K, I've finally made life choices and stuff.

Ellestin said:
Spirited Away is nothing for a 4 years old. Actually it's rated 10+ at least in Europe.

That's right. And neither is Princess Mononoke. The opening scene with the wild giant pig covered in worms chasing people? And then the guy riding the deer, dismembering people with his bow & arrow?....all within the first 10 minutes. Nope, not for 4 year olds. I'm so responsible. :tickled:

Totoro on the other hand....perfect. Even that school bus cat monster was cool.

we need total reportage.

I always used to laugh, I would have pen and paper ready to note down all my amazing visions and ideas, cure for cancer, oil dependency eliminated, jew and arab holding hands singing kumbaya together, and then whilst voyaging, couldn't fucking be bothered by anything as mundane as jotting down my solutions to the world's problems :loco:
I think the most fucked I was was that time I walked around the Philly spectrum about 10 times looking for my car and my fucked up friends watched me do it and never once called out to me :(

then my bud Marc was like, "hey man, let's get back to Alden's place and crash. Rick, can you drive, you're not too fucked up, are you?"

me: "nah, I'm good."

so on the way back we stop at some chicken place on Broad St and I get a box of like 20 red hot spicy chicken nugs, turn down a one way street the wrong way in the center of the city, all the time eating chicken...

Marc: "dude, you're pretty fucked up, maybe I should drive."

Me: "nah, I'm good."

We get back luckily to Alden's house, up in north Philly, and by now I'm still buzzing, and the chicken nugs have given me the runs, and it was just all incredibly stupid...:)

reckless youth.

fully expecting abuse like markgugs got
Oh and the first time i dropped a pill, I spent the night sitting in a vegetable patch eating fucking lettuce. I woke up the next day asking my mate for my money back cos the pill didn't affect me in the slightest. I lost 7 hours of my life that night, to lettuce.