k, so ... wtf??

dreaming neon darkspot

natures' retard
May 13, 2002
in times of grace
alright, so i'm at work yesterday, in the break room with a friend of mine, when one of the store's asst managers comes in and asks me if i told some guy the price of a computer when i first came in that afternoon. i tell him no, and ask wtf's going on. he says that a guy's in the store now saying that he wants an $800 computer - tower and moniter - for $400 because "a female associate from electronics" (of which i am the only one) told him that was the price. so i just shrug it off and go on with the rest of my break.

about 10 min later, the co-manager of she store comes up and asks me the same thing. i tell him, once again, that i don't remember telling any guy the price on any desktop computer, and that if i do tell people the prices of computers or tvs, i read them off the box, never tell them anything off the top of my head. then the asst manager and another guy from my dept come back and tell me not to come back out because he's just being beligerant and looking to intimidate everyone, especially this female associate. apparently he's a really big dude. so i'm kinda freaked out at this point, and having been on the phone with will the whole time.

so i clock back in but stay in the break room with another guy i work with for another 5-10 min until we go back out and see that he's gone. i talk to the managers and they say that the guy just got pissed off and left, but that he'll be back in tomorrow to talk to the store manager.

i can't wait.
k, so, wtf?? pt 2

i'm in my car leaving at around 11 in the evening. i'm stopped at an intersection, turning left on to the highway. there are 2 left turning lanes and im in the right one, with this pimped out red sports car in the left one, pulled further out than i am, like he's intentionally in my way. so the light turns green and the guy just sits there, still in my way, for a good 10-15 seconds, and i have no idea what he's doing, so i don't wanna try pulling around him.
finally, he goes and i go. we're around level, and he's intentionally speeding up to get ahead of me. i speed up, and i pass him. we're stopped again at another light, it turns green, i accelerate and am ahead of him. i get over to the right to turn and he keeps going straight, and i'm kinda disappointed that we can't continue this unofficial drag race, but whatever.

so then, a while later, i'm at another intersection going to turn left. there's a big van full of black people next to me going straight and a sports car behind me. one of them is blaring rap music and i'm listening to Dead Heart. ive had a shitty day and i don't feel like listening to that shit, and Dead Heart has enough bass to make them happy anyway.

so i turn left, the sports car turns left, and they're still behind me when i turn onto the street that i live off of, a residential area where the speed limit is about 40. i'm going about 50, and then the douchebags behind me start flashing their highbeams. continuously. i speed up, they speed up. then they're next to me. the road is double yellow, too. because they're dicks, i speed up so they can't pass me, they get to 70 and pass me. so at that point, i'm just beyond pissed and i speed up, attempting to keep up and highbeaming the fuck out of them.

they make a right into a development before long and i continue on my merry way, freaked out, giddy, and pissed off all at once.

i get home and thus ends my fucked up day.

the way i figure it, the trip this weekend will either be the greatest experience of my life, or will and i will die in seattle
ugggggh, sorry to hear about all of that *is reminded of working at toys r us in maryland*

he's just a lying, dirty bastard looking to get a deal out of stirring up trouble. that's what people do. especially in maryland! what is it with those people? :loco:
Why would anyone go through so much trouble, waste so much time, come up with such an implausible tale, for the very slight possibility of saving 400 (+tax) bucks?
It's sickening how cheap and stingy people can be
if he's the cocky maryland redneck type i'm imagining, that i've run across far too many times in the retail world...then, he doesn't have anything better to do with his time. hell yeah he's going to give shit to get half off on a computer.
I feel ya. Customer service sucks. I had a lady fuckin freak out the other day at the cleaners. some of her laundry came back wet, so we gave her some store credit. she came back the next day and wanted to talk to the manager for some reason, who wasn't there. She flipped out (yelling at the top of her lungs) when I told her that I couldn't give her my manager's personal cell phone number. Yeah, the worst part about customer service is definitely the customers.
i hate wal*mart. i used to work there. for me though, the customers weren't the problem... it was my asshole manager.. i had like... ...at leat 14 of them to worry about. and having worked in the 7th largest supercenter Wal*Mart in the country... they were twice ornery about shit... god i'm glad i quit that place.
I worked a season bit there as well. Customers weren't an issue to me (it was the other person that ticked them off and I'd pull them to the side and help them) as much as bad management. I think one was later fired for theft and one demoted for embezzlement, as well as a fired assistant manager.
the managers will pull you to the side "were you mumbling? was that a smirk? do you consider your silence a form of strong attitude?" complete utter bullshit
"I consider my silence a form of self discipline, sir, it allows me to maintain working relationships with people. Thanks for your concern."
Since the Discovery Channel store is closing, we can't do anymore returns. Yesterday some lady called the store and told me that a game she bought wasn't working and her five year old son was crying his eyes out. She knew that we couldn't do anything about it because she bought the last one, so she just wanted to yell at me for selling "crap products."