KALISIA - Unmastered Instrumental Mix II

Brett - K A L I S I A

Dreaded Moderator
Feb 26, 2004
Though it's unmastered and vocals are not mixed in yet, comments are welcome to help me know where I am :) This is what I hope to be the last version of our album's mix, so let me know what you guys think. For those who heard the previous mix (can still be heard here with vocals : www.myspace.com/kalisia track 2), do you think (hopefully) the new one is better ?

NEW LINK (see post #23) : http://tinoo.free.fr/kalisia.mp3

Thanks a lot and merry XMas to you.

all three thumbs up!

I actually like the snare's volume.
i might be wrong, but i thought i heard some of those nasty drumagog flam-cracks on the snare...?
and i don't like those superfast programmed kickdrum rolls at that one solo, but that's just taste;)
great production though
Hey guys thanks for the comments. :headbang:
It is indeed true that I like my snare to be loud and proud, lol, but if I limit the whole mix harder when mastering this one will probably be tamed a bit. I also think the overheads are a bit too soft but if I raise them more, I lose keyboards and guitars, it's all a VERY fragile equilibrium to get everything to cut through this mass of layers (what a nightmare believe me).
Flam-cracks on the snare is a possibility, though at worst it's not 2 hits but a kind of flangy snare that happens (sample is pretty low in the mix). I'll have to listen to the whole snare tracks solo again (already did one pass) during the whole album, fucking boring, lol
I don't get the comment about the "superfast programmed kickdrum rolls", they are not programmed nor are they superfast :err: What do you mean ?
This is the coolest stuff I've heard from you guys! Awesome work all around, and I actually am digging the snare! I can definitely hear some Borknagar influence to this track! Looking forward to the album...
Hey guys thanks for the comments. :headbang:
It is indeed true that I like my snare to be loud and proud, lol, but if I limit the whole mix harder when mastering this one will probably be tamed a bit. I also think the overheads are a bit too soft but if I raise them more, I lose keyboards and guitars, it's all a VERY fragile equilibrium to get everything to cut through this mass of layers (what a nightmare believe me).
Flam-cracks on the snare is a possibility, though at worst it's not 2 hits but a kind of flangy snare that happens (sample is pretty low in the mix). I'll have to listen to the whole snare tracks solo again (already did one pass) during the whole album, fucking boring, lol
I don't get the comment about the "superfast programmed kickdrum rolls", they are not programmed nor are they superfast :err: What do you mean ?

Sounds awesome my friend, but I to agree on the snare/kick sampling. I think he is referring to the triplet the kick is playing, sounds strange to me, but that's just me. The only problem I have is with the snare during rolls or flams, sounds too 'programmed' I guess is the only way I can put it. Maybe set the dynamic tracking a little higher?

Sorry to rag on such things but other than that I love it, I've always liked everything you posted.
Damn I should really listen to Borknagar then, I heard the name before but not the music, I guess I'd like it :)
Haha, I see the kick part now, I remember the day we went to rehearsal and told the drummer : "Hey, try this instead of just 16th", I think his arms fell on the floor of pity : "What ??? I'll never be able to do that... * cries *". He even tried to convince us that doing it on the floor tom was cool, lol. But hey, years after, it works and it's damn cool I personnaly think...
But I do really appreciate all your constructive comments, no worries about that, thanks a lot :)
Thanks :)
The bass detail, well it was an Ibanez SDGR plugged directly into an Aardvark Q10. Eq'd and compressed. Duplicated the track and sent it to an amp simulator for distortion (I think it was Guitar Rig 2 if my memory serves me well), then blended the two tracks to a group, eq'd and limited. I think that's it.
About the flams, I found some that were due to a slightly out of synch kick & snare, I fixed those as I could. Thanks for the warning guys !
As usual, great stuff Brett! I was thinking what you were thinking about the snare.... As soon as a limiter is put on the mix it should even things out a bit. Always mix your drums a touch on the loud side so they don't get lost in the inevitable squash.

Let me know when you finish your record, I want a signed copy. That way, five years down the road when you're recording huge bands for the majors, I can tell my friends, "See? I know this dude!"
the music is very cool man, not my style but it's very kickass for what you're doing

i'd like to hear a bit more guitar and less synth/keys tho

are you gonna have this cd for sale in the states anywhere? i know a handful of people who'd be willing to check it out (myself included)
even if a label deal would be a bit far off, it might be worth atleast trying to get some sorta distribution deal here...i'm not up to speed on them, but there used to be a handful of good online retailers you could basically ship 50 or so cd's to (that was usually the minimum) and have them sold thru them overseas

you could sell them from your current location as well, but the shipping cost would hurt...i'd definitely like to see it for sale here somehow tho, hell i may try to buy one even if it's not