Ten Year Anniversary

Brett - K A L I S I A

Dreaded Moderator
Feb 26, 2004
Hey guys (oh, and ladies... tho I've never seen any here... too bad),

To celebrate (mmmmh...) the tenth anniversary of my band's first demo "Skies" (recorded late 95), I've been fooling around remixing and remastering it (hey, it's been a while since I last posted a "Before / After" mix, lol). Actually it's supposed to be included with our concept-album as a bonus cd (if we find a label... and if that label is ok to do so). This is a first attempt, but actually I'm fed up working like this and not being able to mix a complete song (always have to freeze some parts...) and masterize it "on the fly" - you know what I mean, it kills the creative process, and you can't do what you'd want to... I dream of the day I'll get a Dual G5 and another UAD-1 (will it be enough ?)... So as always, comments, criticisms and ass-kissing are welcome :We recorded this demo in 4 days (+ 2 more days for the mix) after a year of existence... It lasts 32 minutes, and for most of us it was our first studio experience, so I guess you got the point... (and in case you didn't : ok we know we played like shit, but you know, record a 32 demo in 4 days, back then it wasn't as easy as it is today... ;-)

Cheers !
I think you fuckedup the song. I really like that type of old-school-basement-recording sound :D Anyway, stuff got a lot clear, nice musicianship for the time when it was recorded :)
morningstar said:
I think you fuckedup the song. I really like that type of old-school-basement-recording sound :D Anyway, stuff got a lot clear, nice musicianship for the time when it was recorded :)

I don't think so. Great work Brett, everything is much clearer now!!

About DAW stuff. Why buying a G5 (overvalued). At the moment we work with a PC, ASUS board 3GHz, 2 Gig Ram, Cubase SX3 last upgrade, TC powercore and 1 UAD1 (2 in two weeks) so we can open up to 50 tracks with plugs as much as we can without a fuckup the whole day long. (I know I know..not again....) :tickled: :tickled:

Btw. Thanks for that IP Hiding link, it helped allot but in the end.....read it in the other thread.
Frank'nfurter said:
I don't think so. Great work Brett, everything is much clearer now!!

About DAW stuff. Why buying a G5 (overvalued). At the moment we work with a PC, ASUS board 3GHz, 2 Gig Ram, Cubase SX3 last upgrade, TC powercore and 1 UAD1 (2 in two weeks) so we can open up to 50 tracks with plugs as much as we can without a fuckup the whole day long. (I know I know..not again....) :tickled: :tickled:

Btw. Thanks for that IP Hiding link, it helped allot but in the end.....read it in the other thread.

Frank, when I said he fucked it up, I didn't meant to tell he blew it, just that I prefer the old mix. Cheers!
Hey guys thanks for your inputs !

Goddamn Guitar : The new material sounds much better (would you expect me to tell anything else ? lol). There used to be a medley track on our website but I just found out that the website is not working... must fix it !

Burny : Are you french ?

Morningstar : Hey, we did record in a studio, not a basement, lol !

Frank & Razorjack : Yeah, cleaner, I think that's my thing, lol :) I like to be make everything hearable and not just buried in the mud... Now I just wish I could make it f**king powerful and intense as well ! :)

Frank : I'm currently with a 2.4GHz Pentium IV, 1 Go of RAM (well, only 512 now since a memory chip died on me this week-end) and a UAD-1, and it's just not working well enough for mixing (at least for me)... So I'm dreaming of the day I'll have a Dual G5 (or maybe a Quad, but these babies won't come out cheap) and a HD3 system... Maybe one day... Does anybody know how much I could get out of a lung or a kidney ? :)

Everybody : Anything I could do to improve this mix ? Any suggestion ? Thanks a lot !
Brett - K A L I S I A said:
Hey guys thanks for your inputs !

Goddamn Guitar : The new material sounds much better (would you expect me to tell anything else ? lol). There used to be a medley track on our website but I just found out that the website is not working... must fix it !

Burny : Are you french ?

Morningstar : Hey, we did record in a studio, not a basement, lol !

Frank & Razorjack : Yeah, cleaner, I think that's my thing, lol :) I like to be make everything hearable and not just buried in the mud... Now I just wish I could make it f**king powerful and intense as well ! :)

Frank : I'm currently with a 2.4GHz Pentium IV, 1 Go of RAM (well, only 512 now since a memory chip died on me this week-end) and a UAD-1, and it's just not working well enough for mixing (at least for me)... So I'm dreaming of the day I'll have a Dual G5 (or maybe a Quad, but these babies won't come out cheap) and a HD3 system... Maybe one day... Does anybody know how much I could get out of a lung or a kidney ? :)

Everybody : Anything I could do to improve this mix ? Any suggestion ? Thanks a lot !
Yes I am :Spin:
Hahaha, PTLE maybe, M-Box and your Digi002 for sure, lol :) But certainly not the HD... Unfortunately, they are way too expensive...

P.S. : Don't kill me guys, I never tested a Digi002, I'm just kiddin' my bloody italian fellow ;)

I have an Mbox and it's good! Into a Powerbook G4. The only difference between ProTools Le and HD are the number of tracks and Plugins, maybe I'm wrong on this?

Let me know... :err:
Brett - K A L I S I A said:
It's coming, it's coming !!! I'm having a really bad time mixing a part of it, I really can't do it anymore on my actual computer, so unless I get a PT HD rig soon, I'm not going anywhere... A real nightmare... :(

Hey Brett

What exactly are the difficulties?
The project I'm mixing is so complex and so big that my PC can't keep up... Too many tracks, too many effects... It's ok when I just have Drums / Bass / Guitars / Keyboards (it starts to get confused by then). But add to this Acoustic Guitars / Clean Guitars / Lead Guitars / Vocals (all kinds of), and you'll get the picture... Oh by the way, I can only use one reverb unit for the drums, so Snare and Toms share the same one...

The only solution is to continuously bounce tracks and apply effects destructively (and it sucks when you use Aux sends). BUT it's like blind bouncing, because since I can't see the whole picture I'm just guessing what should be fine, and since this is a one hour long project composed of one only song, bouncing one track takes more than one hour too, then if there is something wrong, cancelling it takes a lot of time too, then bouncing again... The argument would be : just bounce portions of your audio, not the whole file, and if it's ok then apply to the whole project. Well, it's really not that easy, because there are so many things going on that I need to do constant Eq and Dynamics adjustments to help the bass fit it in, the guitar sounds, according to the keyboard parts, not taking into account the vocals and the choirs... There are a lot of different atmospheres and what sounds good on one doesn't necessarily fit the one just after... So automation is my saviour...

Right now I'm having such a big audio buffer (16.000 by software, instead of the 2048 with the audiocard - impossible to even start playing with this) to be able to play a few seconds of audio before it drops out that I have to wait about 10 seconds after I pressed play, and have to wait the same amount of time when tweaking plugins : how practical is that ? That's what I'd call "Slugish" :) To give you a better idea of how practical it is, just consider that I have mixed 3 minutes of Vocals (the rest was already mixed) today, spending (losing !) about 10 hours of my precious and way too short life on them...

So I'm doing this kind of rough (but best that I can with the possibilities I have) mix for people to know that it existed, and then I'll give up until I get a LOT of money... And if the same happens to me with a HD3, a UAD-1 and a T.C. Powercore on a Dual G5 2.7GHz, I'll kill myself (just after trying to add one or two Accel card) !!! I bugs me soooo much too know how better my mixes would be if it was working... I hope you see what I mean. See, how pissed I am, I wrote a whole book here !!! :)