Kalmah Covers...


Mar 18, 2004
Does anyone know if there is anywhere people have posted covers of Kalmah songs? Fan covers are avalable for bands like COB and Norther but ive yet to find any Kalmah fan covers... My band and I were thinking about covering Evil In You to get the ball rolling if not...

Do it man, evil in you is one of my favorite kalmah songs, and mad props if you can hit that solo. I wanna hear someone cover hollow heart
Gin_from_the_bottle said:
hehe wicked!
im trying to convince my band to cover either heritance of berija, or they will return

Heritance of Berija would be freakin' awesome man... Favorite Swamplord track....maybe even fav. Kalmah track. Keep us informed with that...
I{ameman said:
a friend of mine is trying to play the principle hero solo2 since a pretty long time now... he managed to play through the tab without mistakes but never in this speed... just sloooooow.... ^^

Where did he get the tab dude? I can find fuck all Kalmah tabs appart from the ones on mysongbook.com?!
I can play the riff in the beggining of Heros To Us and Hades but my band couldn't cover Kalmah yet.. were not on that level of excellence just quite yet.

but where did you hear COB and Norther covers at?