Kalmah live in Canada


Jul 12, 2007
Found this browsing Youtube, only the solo part of hades, to the end of the song, but it's something:headbang: Finally a Kalmah video with a good crowd:lol:

you can turn audio off and you still have a bit of vision :p
if i made a video like that i wouldnt even put it on youtube :p

cant wait for more videos. one with that bit of hades is cool! you can see all the memebers of the band but Janne - but he is easily heard on the other hand ;)
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.... that looks like SUCH A GOOD TIME! Why didn't I decide to spend hundreds of $$$ to fly, or 16h roundtrip driving to see them... ugh.
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.... that looks like SUCH A GOOD TIME! Why didn't I decide to spend hundreds of $$$ to fly, or 16h roundtrip driving to see them... ugh.

I drove 20 hours round trip to the Sudbury show, definitely worth all the time and money to see Kalmah. I was pretty drunk front row center with my horns up. At one point I got pushed hard from behind and knocked Pekka's mic over, but I managed to catch it before it fell and set it up properly again. Also got Pekka's pick (which he threw and it got stuck to the sweat on my face lol) and Lede's pick that he placed in my hand.

Definitely the greatest show and band I have ever seen or will ever see.
I drove 20 hours round trip to the Sudbury show, definitely worth all the time and money to see Kalmah.
I am feeling a lot of regret now... especially seeing how amazing they are sounding. Honestly, they were a little bit sloppy and not sounding that good in the footage from Spinefeast, and I knew I'd hate myself if I made such a big commitment and they put on just an OK show.

There are other big concerns for me, too - my old car is simply falling apart, and I've spent >$2000 in repairs over the last year just to keep it running. Having that thing break when I'm in Canada would be a killer.

Ugh... that Montreal video looks SO good, I'm so sad I can't see these shows.
I just came back from the Québec city show.

It was fucking great!

They was really in good shape.

This is the songs they played and I remember (not necessarily in order)

Heritance of Berija
For the Revolution
Hollow Heart
They Will Return
Bitter Metallic Side
To the Gallows
The Black Waltz
The groan of wing
Heros to us
Evil in you

Good news: The crowd was insane and the merch was sold out after the first hour.
Holy shit at the Quebec show, awesome concert!

To be very honest, like the capitale du metal guys said, it really showed that Kalmah doesn't have that much stage experience, which is shame really. Anti seemed to have trouble keeping up with some parts and, like in the spinefest vid, improvises several of the solos (which sometimes doesnt really make them sound any better). The sound was also pretty bad at first, the guitars being way to low and the keyboard a bit too loud compared to the other instruments. Pekka's voice at the begining was also.. ugh.. it really didnt sound as good as the album. I dont know if anyone else thinks the same but the old voice sounds better live than the new one :) hahaha

But all of that didnt really matter, i mean fuck, KALMAH, IN SHOW, OMGGGG
I stood toward the back of the pit for a few songs then ramed in and stayed in front of pekka for most of the show :D the sound was great over there (being closer to the amps probably explains why). Hearing all those songs was just fucking heaven, and the set list was pretty stellar (although ANY setlist of kalmah songs would stellar hahaha they're all awesome). you guys didnt play like a slave though :/ but god damn, that was fucking awesome. and the bitter metallic side twin solo.. GAAAHH so fucking great! swamphell, heroes to us, TORDAAH, they will return, groan of the wind, to the gallows, defeat, HADES!!

I really, really hope that the band enjoyed the tour and playing in quebec/canada, hopefully that will get them to tour more often :D
Wow, what a great photo:

Holy shit at the Quebec show, awesome concert!

To be very honest, like the capitale du metal guys said, it really showed that Kalmah doesn't have that much stage experience, which is shame really. Anti seemed to have trouble keeping up with some parts and, like in the spinefest vid, improvises several of the solos (which sometimes doesnt really make them sound any better). The sound was also pretty bad at first, the guitars being way to low and the keyboard a bit too loud compared to the other instruments. Pekka's voice at the begining was also.. ugh.. it really didnt sound as good as the album. I dont know if anyone else thinks the same but the old voice sounds better live than the new one :) hahaha

But all of that didnt really matter, i mean fuck, KALMAH, IN SHOW, OMGGGG
I stood toward the back of the pit for a few songs then ramed in and stayed in front of pekka for most of the show :D the sound was great over there (being closer to the amps probably explains why). Hearing all those songs was just fucking heaven, and the set list was pretty stellar (although ANY setlist of kalmah songs would stellar hahaha they're all awesome). you guys didnt play like a slave though :/ but god damn, that was fucking awesome. and the bitter metallic side twin solo.. GAAAHH so fucking great! swamphell, heroes to us, TORDAAH, they will return, groan of the wind, to the gallows, defeat, HADES!!

I really, really hope that the band enjoyed the tour and playing in quebec/canada, hopefully that will get them to tour more often :D

Great post, it sums up exactly what i was thinking too! I think the most powerful song was Evil in You for me... When this one started it was crazy!