Kamelot Appreciation Thread


Active Member
Jan 15, 2008
The Ivory Tower
I'm not sure if this thread will be widely ignored of even closed, but I sense a lot of either a) dislike of this band, or b) ignorance about them (whether never having heard of them, or having heard of them but never listening to them).

Sometimes the songs that people usually find by them aren't the best examples of their awesomeness :cool: Their newer stuff is good, but can't match their old material. So, I've decided to post a few links to some of their lesser-known songs in hopes of drawing completely new fans, and also perhaps changing the minds of some people who heard maybe one of their more popular songs and found it wanting. The following are older songs, off of their first few albums with Roy Khan, and are (I think) really good examples of what traditional Kamelot sounds like.

Keep in mind: this is power metal. So, if it's not your cup of tea, don't both complaining needlessly that it's terrible music.

(you might choose to ignore the videos; some of them are... strange :cool:)

Wings of Despair

Center of the Universe

The Fourth Legacy

The Shadow of Uther

Lunar Sanctum

Happy listening. Hope some people hear something they like. :cool:
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I've only listened to the Black Halo album. I wasn't too fascinated with it. Which is their best?
I've only listened to the Black Halo album. I wasn't too fascinated with it. Which is their best?

I'd recommend The Fourth Legacy, Karma, and Epica. Of the five songs I posted, the first is from Karma, the second is from Epica, and the last three are from The Fourth Legacy.

I listened to all of them. They were all crap except "The Fourth Legacy," which was OK.

They're all awesome except for The Fourth Legacy, which is fucking incredible. :cool:

But Zeph, you're not big on power metal in general, so it's kind of tough to get an opinion from you.
I don't mind them. The CD's with their first vocalist suck because they sound like Hammerfall (and I hate Hammerfall), but since Roy Khan joined, they've become significantly better. The Black Halo is their best in my opinion. That said, I don't listen to that much power metal any more, and haven't listened to them for quite some time. But as far as power metal goes, they're pretty good.
kinda off topic, but I for one really love the unmetal stuff by power metal bands

Falconer - "Long Gone By"
Sonata Arctica - "Shy"
Kamelot - "On the Coldest Winter Night" (my favorite song of theirs)

would be great to find more stuff like this.
the two songs I've heard by them sound nothing like A7X or Atreyu or anything like that....
Kamelot "unmetal/folkier" songs:

The Sailorman's Hymn (gorgeous song)

Glory (completely acoustic anthem; incredible)

Don't You Cry (acoustic piece about Thomas Youngblood's father; beautiful song)

Anthem (vocal solo piece over keys/orchestra)

Abandoned (vocal piece over mostly piano/orchestra; guitars come in at very end)

Songs by other power metal bands:
Stratovarius- Forever
Kiuas- After the Storm
Nightwish- The Islander
Blind Guardian- The Bard's Song (Into the Forest)

Also, Xorv, Wander is one of my favorite songs by them. So epic and emotional. Seditious, you might try Wander just to check it out.
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Hey, I posted that photo in the "For the Ladies of UM" thread.

I'm not denying Kamelot's cheese factor. That doesn't change the fact that they write some damn good songs.
I agree that the music isn't very cheesy, but their photos are certainly cheesy. :cool:

As far as Euro power is concerned, I think Kamelot has one of the most original, badass sounds. This is probably because the band is a mix of cultures. The guitarist, bass player and drummer are all from the U.S. The singer is Norwegian, and the keyboardist is German.
Most of official band pictures are cheesy :lol:
that's why I like the unofficial more.

But their music is unique, every album sounds different and I like the voice of Roy Khan very much.