Kamelot...the Black Halo...awsome!

Metropolis Part 2 said:
Epica was better than Karma, at least in my prespectives, I have not bought this album yet. Is it better than Karma or Epica, what does it sound like???

Well in my opinion Karma was their best one until The Black Halo arrived... Man this album just keeps getting better and better with each listen. Definitely their most mature and musically creative. It is very much like a mixture of Karma and Epica but Kahn is singing a little more like he did in Conception in some songs and the varied guests on the album make it that much better too. great great album!!!

OK, I finally got my copy of The Black Halo and this fugger rocks! I can safely say that TBH kicks Epica in the ass. This album seems so much more focused and flows much better than Epica. Thom gets full marks for the tasty riffage and just the overall songwriting is better on TBH. After only a few spins this one is threatening to knock Karma out of the #1 spot.
I cant wait for Black Halo to be released in the US. I have the page bookmarked with the videos on it and I probably listen to them 2 or three times a day. I love March of Mephisto!
Yeah, love it so much.

I guess i will get some -i hate you- replies to this after telling that i'll see them tomorrow night here in Holland together with Epica (the band), and again in two weeks, damn am i a lucky bastard, hehehe :tickled:
See how this album sounds live.
This Album has to be the top candiate for "ALBUM of the Year", it is unbelievable. Its melodic and yet dark, progressive yet sinister. And Kahn WOW, his vocal talents on this album are unmatched by any singer today. And using Shagrath what an idea, his harsh death vocals as Mephisto was a stroke of genius. Tom Youngblood has improved since Epica to become one of the top 10 guitarist in the world, Glenn Barry in my opinion is the #2 bass player in the world(Marco Heitala is #1), Casy Grillo is in a league of his own as far as drummers go, there is only one other in is league(Jukka from Nightwish). So to all who have been waiting go buy this CD today you won't be disappointed.