Kamelot US Tour with Fabio Lione on vocals Aug/Sep 2011

I don't agree with that. I think the dude is legitimately ill and/or exhausted. Like I said in the previous post, I think he's done his last Kamelot CD and his last tour with them as well. I don't think there is any animosity though. I think if that was the case, they probably would've cut ties already. While it's sad with Khan the band has to continue on. They can't afford to wait until he gets better. If I were to guess, Khan might possibly just become a studio musician with a live show here and there in the future.

I'm telling you there's something there other than his health. Maybe it wasn't a falling out. Maybe Khan just wants to do something else? Either way, he's thrown a monkey wrench into the band's progress. Sad.
I don't think there's any opaqueness here. He's burnt out. Assumedly, he won't be burnt out at some point, probably by the time Kamelot gets around to working on their next album. It's not really that bad, you can tour with a substitute vocalist a lot easier than make an album with one.
I don't think there's any opaqueness here. He's burnt out. Assumedly, he won't be burnt out at some point, probably by the time Kamelot gets around to working on their next album. It's not really that bad, you can tour with a substitute vocalist a lot easier than make an album with one.

Yes and no. I agree initially subbing a singer on tour can work easier than having a different singer on disc. But let's say for sake of argument Khan doesn't tour again for this album, records the next one and then he is still exhausted/sick for the next album's tour. At that point it won't work and honestly I think before they do a new album, Youngblood wants to know whether or not Khan can contribute fully to the band, both album and tour. If he realizes Khan can't, I'd guess he'll get a new singer.
So Black Sabbath was a boring, third rate band before Ozzy left and Dio joined?
How'd that vocalist replacement go for Nightwish? Most casual fans certainly associated them with Tarja over any of the other members.
Or Fates Warning? Or Helloween?

Big Difference here though. All of those singers you mentioned were hardly involved in the writing process of the band and had almost no say in the direction of the music. When Khan joined there was nothing that made them stand out above any other band (the bands you mentioned were pioneers in there respective genre/time period Kamelot at the time were not) Roy joins then after one horrible albums (siege perilous) they find a new sound that is very unique to the chemistry of Youngblood and Khan. the next 5 albums are all pretty great (maybe not ghost opera) and all showcase the writing chemistry of both of these guys. If you take khan out of this mix it is no longer the Kamelot people will recognize, especially if they replace him with some generic power metal singer (which Khan wasnt and Fabio is) they lose that specialness they have and go back to being a me too band. that is why it shouln't continue in my opinion. Im not saying Yuongblood hasnt learned some stuff in this time obviously hes matured into a great writer and player since the early days, its just Roy is such a unique singer that i dont see them as THAT band anymore once he is out (which i suspect he is out)
Yes and no. I agree initially subbing a singer on tour can work easier than having a different singer on disc. But let's say for sake of argument Khan doesn't tour again for this album, records the next one and then he is still exhausted/sick for the next album's tour. At that point it won't work and honestly I think before they do a new album, Youngblood wants to know whether or not Khan can contribute fully to the band, both album and tour. If he realizes Khan can't, I'd guess he'll get a new singer.

That's definitely true. If Khan is still showing signs of burnout 18 months from now when they head back to the studio, they've got to let him go. But right now we probably know as much as Youngblood does. Unless like I said, the Kamelot camp is staying mum for no reason other than to just stay mum. Which isn't unheard of in this industry, but I doubt it's happening in this case.
I refuse to believe that Khan is actually gonna return. I don't know why...


We'll see.:Smokedev:
I am unfortunately of the same mind as Glenn and Milton. I just have a bad feeling based on things I have noticed. Really nothing solid, though.
I refuse to watch a Kamelot with Lione as the lead vocalist. Nothng against the guy, but he's just too Rhapsody for me. If Roy isn't going back to the band, which I find hard to believe, they need to stick with a replacement that isn't well known within our circle. Lione has a distinctive style that I will always associate with Rhapsody, Rhapsody of Fire, or whatever they are this week.

I know there are a lot of mixed opinions on this, but hot damn, I will travel to Seattle or Vancouver to catch this tour, I do not want to miss this. I've seen Kamelot with Khan (which was good) but seeing them with one of my high-school idols at the helm? Rhapsody is one of the few bands that I loved when I was first getting into metal that I haven't seen yet. :notworthy Having Simone and Tommy on board as guests is just a bonus for me at this point. A fucking awesome bonus mind you, but the voice of Fabio is very special to me.

I dunno about you guys, but I get a huge kick out of guest performers, "super-groups" and the idea of great talents from various groups mixing together. I was really excited when they announced Erikson as the fill-in vocalist for the original tour. A friend of mine caught their prog-power set and he said it was amazing, and that Erikson did a much better job that Khan and was very engaging to watch onstage. I think many of us know Fabio for his mid-high range vocals, but I think he will do a fantastic job of Kamelot songs. They wouldn't have picked him if he wasn't doing justice.

I know a lot of discussion is going on about Khan ever returning to the band. Do you folks think he's done with them because of his illness simply won't allow him to travel, or do you think that it's mostly a cover-up for a lack of interest in the band/not wanting to do the touring thing anymore? Or a bit of both perhaps?
I know a lot of discussion is going on about Khan ever returning to the band. Do you folks think he's done with them because of his illness simply won't allow him to travel, or do you think that it's mostly a cover-up for a lack of interest in the band/not wanting to do the touring thing anymore? Or a bit of both perhaps?

I think most of it is Khan's sickness/being burnt out as well as this being Youngblood and the other band members' bread and butter, so they can't exactly just sit on and wait on him. If he still isn't well after this tour, he will be done. I honestly don't think there is a cover up here, but stranger things have happened.
I think most of it is Khan's sickness/being burnt out as well as this being Youngblood and the other band members' bread and butter, so they can't exactly just sit on and wait on him. If he still isn't well after this tour, he will be done. I honestly don't think there is a cover up here, but stranger things have happened.
Yeah, that makes sense. I was talking about the upcoming tour with some friends and we all agreed that there is definitely the attitude of "Strike while the iron is hot" with this. The new Kamelot album is already going to be "old" by the time September rolls around, so they've gotta keep excitment up.
I know there are a lot of mixed opinions on this, but hot damn, I will travel to Seattle or Vancouver to catch this tour, I do not want to miss this. I've seen Kamelot with Khan (which was good) but seeing them with one of my high-school idols at the helm? Rhapsody is one of the few bands that I loved when I was first getting into metal that I haven't seen yet. :notworthy Having Simone and Tommy on board as guests is just a bonus for me at this point. A fucking awesome bonus mind you, but the voice of Fabio is very special to me.

I dunno about you guys, but I get a huge kick out of guest performers, "super-groups" and the idea of great talents from various groups mixing together. I was really excited when they announced Erikson as the fill-in vocalist for the original tour. A friend of mine caught their prog-power set and he said it was amazing, and that Erikson did a much better job that Khan and was very engaging to watch onstage. I think many of us know Fabio for his mid-high range vocals, but I think he will do a fantastic job of Kamelot songs. They wouldn't have picked him if he wasn't doing justice.

This, this, this. I agree with you 1000%. I actually find it really awesome when a different singer tours with another band. It makes it for an unique experience and it usually turns out great. The only problem is that in this particular case, it seems to me that Kamelot fans are more Khan fans than the band itself, which is a shame. The band is usually on every single time. Khan isn't.

Element Man said:
I know a lot of discussion is going on about Khan ever returning to the band. Do you folks think he's done with them because of his illness simply won't allow him to travel, or do you think that it's mostly a cover-up for a lack of interest in the band/not wanting to do the touring thing anymore? Or a bit of both perhaps?

He's probably done for a few different reasons, but the illness could be the main one right now. I probably give another month or two until an official announcement comes out. I just have that feeling...
If Roy isn't going back to the band, which I find hard to believe, they need to stick with a replacement that isn't well known within our circle.

Knowing Thomas Youngblood's work ethics (or at least what he has shown me in a few interviews) and knowing how powerful the brand KAMELOT is nowadays, I doubt he's going to pick a no-name. Youngblood is a hell of a businessman and I would assume it would be beneficial to pick someone not only with experience, but a bit of a name-recognition within the scene. I can't see him picking a Fabio Lione, but I find names like Mike Eriksen and Tommy Karevik absolutely plausible. That'd be a hell of a career move for them, and a hell of a loss for their current bands, for instance.

Obviously, I am doing nothing but speculation.