Kataklysm - totally over-rated?

Spirit In Black said:
He's back in Misery Index

and about Kataklysm they are totally average but alot metalcore/death metal newbs love them cause they are so simple and have fast drumming....they don't deserve the praise they get but they aren't the worst band in the world either
Kevin Talley its only drumming for Misery Index in their upcoming tours

His main band its Grason Manor (or something like that) a cock rock band

as for Kataklysm they are pretty unremarkable
I like Kataklysm a great deal. I have 4 of their albums and think they're excellent. I love J-F's guitar sound. I've seen them live 3 times, and they put on a great show. Their former drummer (who plays on Shadows And Dust) is incredible and their new drummer Martin (who plays on Serenity In Fire) is simply unbelievable.
Mediocre? Boring? Hardly, but that's my opinion. Catchy? Ummm...okay. So that's a bad thing? :err: There may not be 50 or 60 riffs in each song, but that's not a bad thing either.
They're nothing special. Metal-Archives is incorrect in listing them as "Brutal Techdeath", because they're neither brutal, nor technical. I wouldn't say they're overrated, because I don't see them get talked about as much as...oh let's say...Iron Maiden, but I'm not really a fan.

Oh, and Misery Index are hardcore/metalcore while Dying Fetus are death metal. I see no resemblance.
Meh, I got bored of the band pretty fast. I've never bought any of their albums but a friend of mine did and when I listened to them I was just... not impressed at all. I heard though that their new drummer is better than the last one ( I agree that the blast on Shadows and Dust is a fucking joke )
Dude, you're totally missing out if you haven't heard "Sorcery" or "The Temple of Knowlege". All their earlier shit is amazing. And I really don't understand where you come off saying the drummers blast beats are horrible? That dude is a freaking machine. I dunno, that's just my take.
I saw Kataklysm live a couple of years back and was blown away by there performance. I got into them then, and I can see why some one would find them boring, but they are different to most metal bands out there n there general sound.

I saw em with cannibal corpse about a month ago and they didnt play aswel but the drummer did a really good drum solo. It was one of the fastest Ive heard. Everyone was going nuts for him so Im guessing that the drummer does have the cojones to kick some ass.
I didn't mean to imply that the drummer is terrible, but that his blast beats are pathetic and ruin the sound. Like I said before, they aren't real blast beats, but single rolls on the snare. And it sounds like shit.
Well....yeah....it's pretty obvious when he's doing that; and it ain't that often, usually as an intro to songs. There are plenty of proper blastbeats happening in the earlier Kataklysm albums.

Do you honestly think people here can't tell the different between a blastbeat and a snare roll? :err:
I wasn't trying to imply that people on this board don't know what blast beats are. And remember that I've only heard Shadows and Dust, and on that album he doesn't do ANY real blast beats, he just does the snare rolls. Sure, he does some bass/snare trade-offs, but they aren't fast enough to be considered blast beats.
Well, actually there are a FEW real blast beats, but not very many, compared to the snare rolls, which are NOT just used for intros, but used in place of blast beats that even I (as a shitty drummer) could play.
jonnykungfu said:
Well, actually there are a FEW real blast beats, but not very many, compared to the snare rolls, which are NOT just used for intros, but used in place of blast beats that even I (as a shitty drummer) could play.

Dez is that you?
I don't know what that means, but I assume it's supposed to be some sort of obscure insult?

I suppose I just lack the testicles to be able to listen to the "brutal POWER" of Kataklysm's noisy generic non-brutal death. Right?