Katapult (for fans of The Haunted, Lamb of God etc)

We are Katapult, a "modern" thrash/death band in the vein of The Haunted and Lamb of God etc.

We released our EP "A Fistful of Truth" back in April, have a listen if you wish!

Other people have said:
"...relent and surrender to the might of a formidable debut EP." - stargazed.net
"...the debut release by KATAPULT that packs something less than 15 minutes of full-on Thrash, is powerful enough to wake those moshing instincts going..." - metalkaoz.com
"We obviously want to hear more" - worldofmetalmag.com
"...every fan of modern thrash metal should check Katapult out." - instagram.com/rr80metalalbumreviews/

