Katatonia best of would look like....


I bleed sir, but not killed
Jul 6, 2001

1. Brave
2. For MY Demons
3. The Future of Speech
4. Murder
5. Tonight's Music
6. Day
7. Dispossession
8. Teargas
9. I Am Nothing
10. Deadhouse
11. Black Session
12. Endtime
13. Instrumental
Not a bad list.. mine would be like

2.I Break
5.For My Demons
6.This Punishment
7.I am nothing
8.Nightmares By The Sea (even if it is a cover)
10.The Future of Speach
11.Dont Tell A soul
12. March 4
1. Saw You Dorwn
2. Clean Today
3. Relention
4. Teargas
5. Tonights Music
6. The Future of Speach
7. Cold Ways
8. Dispossesion
9. Fractured
10. Dont Tell A Soul
11. Help Me Dissapear
12. Sulfur
13. Sweet Nurse
14. Instrumental

Man that was hard...
1. Dispossession
2. Brave
3. Deadhouse
4. Teargas
5. Help Me Disappear
6. Nowhere
7. Nerve
8. 12
9. Gateways Of Bereavement
10. Black Session
11. Tonight's Music
12. No Devotion
13. A Darkness Coming
14. Without God :Smokedev:
well seeing as mini-disks are, well at least for me 148 minutes long i already have a best of katatonia disc, and i also have a Katatonia and the gathering mix too so i have most their songs, but seeing as eveyones doing 13 or so songs i'll choose these, in album order so it'll make it easy (im so fucking drunk now, and my mums here, i can't talk straight to her at all, she doesnt even know, fuck this is taking forevcer to type too, oh anbd i love you guys by the way, although in a non-sexcual way, unless youre a good looking girl, whi hc im sure your not, being on a katatonia board as well, good women and music dont mix too well, althuough there are some exceptions :) )
anywho here they are:

1. disspossession
2. tomb of insomnia
3. brave
4. murder
5. endtime
6. i break
7. future of speech
8.nerve (love this song too much)
9. cold ways
10. deadhouse
11. for my demons
12. black session
13. tonights music
14. chrome

ah, im soo fucked i think im missed out some songs i really love, oh well. anywhjo, by the way im not gonna poist on here too much now, peace out my niggaz. :cool:
1Black session.
Don’t tell a soul
Sweet nurse.
Passing bird.
Help me disappear.
For my demons.
Cold Ways.
I am nothing.
At Last
march 4.

thats heavy stuff...

Some time ago I made a tape for my car stereo, rather a "retrospect" than a best-of...:p

*Side A*

Midwinter Gates (Prologue)
Without God
Palace Of Frost
Seven Dreaming Souls (Intro)
Gateways Of Bereavement
Funeral Wedding
For Funerals To Come

*Side B*

I Break
Right Into The Bliss
A Darkness Coming
Quiet World
Originally posted by Smekermann

Yeah, it IS For My Demons. For Your Demons is a Saturnus song (and excellent one, too). Heh.

Yep, and that's where I was confused:goggly:

Saturnus' 'For Your Demons' is one of the most amazing songs... Yet in the case of this 'best of' business I did indeed mean 'For My Demons'.
Originally posted by Don Corleone
a best of cd from katatonia would HAVE TO include tracks from the first two albums too.

Um, DC, we wanted a 'Best Of', not a 'Worst Of'....;)

Just kidding, just kidding...:p
1. Brave
2. For My Demons
3. Tonight's Music
4. I Break
5. For Funerals To Come
6. Nowhere
7. Gateways Of Bereavement
8. I Am Nothing
9. Murder
10. The Future Of Speech
11. Sulfur
12. Saw You Drown
13. In Death A Song
14. At Last
15. Tomb Of Insomnia