Katatonia don't please the fan boys.. (aka don't become a sell out like PL)

I definitely agree on the point that a band should keep progressing, and never turn back. If you get to the point where you have nothing left to say then just leave the stage.
Yes you get my point!

I was having a chat earlier to the bass player in my band about this sell out attitude.

The reason I get concerned is because we were realising just how many bands start redoing stuff again and again. I know there will be those fans out their who want discouraged ones back again or LFDGD repeated (I would love it !) but this should be ignored by the band as if they were to do this they would jepodise their direction, wherever it may lie. Once you decide to go back on yourself I feel its the end for the band. Progression is the key to a surviving band.

It might not bring the most money in, but fast money = short lived band in my view.

Put it this way would you prefer to get 10 million now and live 10 years, or get 5 million and live for 20 years?

am I waffling.. hell yes!
I wanted to reply to the Paradise lost thread, but I began to get to into it, so I decided by my own godly right to post a new thread on my feelings.

Ever since Host I don't get what happened, a great band that lost it. I stil listen as its not all bad, but come on, they chickened out to the fans.

They experimented with HOST (which was a fantastc album and remains a well played album in my collection) and then sold out to the fans.. you should never do that, I lost a lot of respect for them doing that.

So heres my bit whereby i decided to get more into my point....

Thanks to Katatonia who have created something at least I can get my teeth into.. but saying that one thing thats pissing me of on these forums are sad emo fan boys.. I gotta get this out and i'll do it here, I love the sound you guys have but for me thats where the whole "I love" Katatonia ends. I don't worship Katatonia, but I respect what they have acheived. I also love the fact that we can tap into the band members for info. But when they pop up on these forums some members seem to get overly excited by their presence.

Anyway theres just a little rant i thought i'd have as i wanted to kill 10 mins of my work time, hope i dont sound too annoyed cause I don't, but if theres one band who have earned my repect for their style.. and thats each one of them from Jonas to Anders and all in between, building on each album as they have done then its gotta be Katatonia.

They give me a reason to believe there is more to music than just inspiration.

Keep it alive Katatonia! (in other words don't you dare sell out to the fans!)

God this is really pointless.If they decide to sell out then they will sell out...

-Hey dude I'm bored let's sell out
-No way!!
-Don't you remember the guy on the forums,he told us not to sell out...
-Sorry,totally forgot about that...

-------HAPPY END-------

This thread is pointless.Really.
Take it for what it is, read his post, he clearly said it was a rant and he has a point i.m.o. No need to bash him or this thread. A forum is a place of discussion and that's exactly what he's doing.

Maybe you are right he had a point but the way he is expressing it is pretty lame.There is no point in telling Katatonia what to do for Godsake.That's exactly being a FANBOY...
ha its quite funny (thanks for the support madtinus) as it is a pointless thread, you are right, but I posted it, but its a band forum, not a support forum.

Besides I guess I am supporting Katatonias ever quest to continue onward, you don't have to bother reading it if you don't want to.

By the way those who haven't quite twigged yet, Paradise lost have given into the fans, they completely admit it in a lot of their interviews, its what they want to do.

You could say the Katatonia are selling out, because we want the band to continue being as exciting and creative as they are and they deliver

I'm sure that last statement will add more confusion:lol:

But my point is to state once more that I felt the new PL stuff was no good. I didn't like it much, the last few albums have actually not been quite as dull, but this last one really was boring. You never know it may grow on me a bit more but I still listen back to katatonia last 3 albums and love them to bits, so yes I feel safe with their current course. I know i will be buying the next 3albums for sure - hope i will be buying all their albums!

So don't get me wrong here im just expressing myself on these forums, if you don't agree cool, I respect that.

I also feel that it will be up to the fans of Katatonia best interest to believe in the same views I have as I remember PL once stating they would never give in to the fans.
I don't really think using the term "selling out" is right here. I mean, so what if they want to please the fans; I though that was supposed to be a good thing, so long as you don't compromise yourself in the process. Apparently, they wanted to get a heavier sound to please themselves as well. Using the term "selling out" is a bit childish though; it's not like they're compromising their integrity. They're not on MTV, they're not even that well known amongst the metalheads I'm friends with.
I do not think Katatonia would be a band to become of bunch of "sellouts".

And please define what you mean by sellout exactly.

Also about these "emo fanboys" as however much they negatively impact the community I do not think we should be judging anyone.

This topic should never have been made IMO, it solves nothing and only creates conflict.

Emo is just a passing "fad" that will pass by like any other "fad".
Ok...so you hear the new Paradise Lost, think it's a sell out, then you come to the Katatonia forum to inform the band that their fans don't want them to sellout? The two bands have nothing in common so it's really pointless to compare the two. I don't remember Katatonia ever saying that they're following the path of Paradise Lost? What a idiotic thread this is. I hereby puke on it. :Puke:

they dont have nothing in common? excuse me...but early katatonia sounds like an early paradise lost ripp off...get informed before posting any shit like this