Katatonia Fans, Please Meet Isis

The Scourge

Suicide Machine
May 26, 2003
Drowning in a sea of addictions
Hello all. It has been quite some time since I posted a thread in here, but something wonderful has happened to me that I feel I should share with all of you. Being a fan of dark and depressing yet dynamic music, Katatonia truly is the apex of expression through that medium. And I would certainly assume that is the communal feeling of all the users here on this forum.
In 2001, the musical world changed for me with the release of Last Fair Deal Gone Down. Never before have I heard such glorious waves of honest and despairing tides of force. It quickly became my favorite album of all time and has set the bar for all other bands to follow. Since then, nothing has come close to even getting a consideration in overtaking that spot.
Then along comes Isis. I have been a fan since Celestial, as their then style of Neurosis/Godflesh fusion was very fresh and unique. Then came the pivotal album of Oceanic. That little ditty simply moved my soul in no extreme way since LFDGD.
But now Isis' latest album is here; and it is called Panopticon. I must say, I have never cried or been paralysed by such moving despair and longing since LFDGD. While I thought it was great and at least album of the year by the second listen, my judgement has altered considerably since then. Now I have heard it maybe ten times and I already think that it is one of the best releases of all time and in the future be looked at as a pinnacle and absolute classic of the genre.
Normally topics of this ilk are reserved for off-topic forums, but being the high level caliber Katatonia fan that I am, I feel compelled to tell everyone of this masterpiece, including Katatonia themselves. So do yourselves a favor, buy this album when it is released next Tuesday(October 19th) and have your musical world blown away :rock:
@TheScourge: check my posts on "the Best Album Of The Year So Far" and "Now Playing" threads and you'll find just enough quotes of mine that hail Isis as sth best that happened to the world of metal music since Viva Emptiness or Blackwater Park or Lateralus/Aenima. cheerz
Mmmmmm, hell yes, Isis are teh pwn. I've not heard Panopticon yet even though it's online, but I want to buy it, and from what I heard it's the best thing they've ever made...
discouraged1 said:
@TheScourge: check my posts on "the Best Album Of The Year So Far" and "Now Playing" threads and you'll find just enough quotes of mine that hail Isis as sth best that happened to the world of metal music since Viva Emptiness or Blackwater Park or Lateralus/Aenima. cheerz
Missed this one the first time :)

Yes, that is great to see that it is not just me that thinks this record is simply genre-defining. And I agree with you that it is the best thing to happen to metal since those releases you mentioned. Panopticon is really going to shake up the metal/post-hardcore world in a big way, and it is also cool to be a little selfish and *elitist*(heehee) and say that we were here in the beginning when it started. Cheers mate! :kickass:
The Scourge said:
Missed this one the first time :)

Yes, that is great to see that it is not just me that thinks this record is simply genre-defining. And I agree with you that it is the best thing to happen to metal since those releases you mentioned. Panopticon is really going to shake up the metal/post-hardcore world in a big way, and it is also cool to be a little selfish and *elitist*(heehee) and say that we were here in the beginning when it started. Cheers mate! :kickass:

Whereabout's in the Midwest? I live in Fort Worth and there's almost no good record stores here at all...
After listening The new Cult of luna album, i think i like it more than the isis one, but they will be the best releases of this year:-)
Oceana said:
After listening The new Cult of luna album, i think i like it more than the isis one, but they will be the best releases of this year:-)

Salvation is great. I am still a bit of a newbie to COL, and actually just bought The Beyond today. In all honesty, I think I like that one better than Salvation. In any case, I do need to give both releases a lot more time to listen to. But in the end, they really do not stack up to the emotional power and brilliant execution to Isis' Panopticon.
By the way, at www.cultofluna.com , you can view a video of Leave Me Here off of Salvation. Really good stuff. Cheers :rock:
i think Salvation is great. not great as Panopticon of course ;), but i like it better than The Beyond. The Beyond gets somehow repetitive to me during the midst-album..@The Scourge: listen to The Beyond first.. and when you get fed up w/ it.. switch to Salvation
