Saved by Katatonia

Kains D

Am I my brother's keeper?
Feb 17, 2002
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Today's been such a depressive day. The former (?) 'love of my life' didn't call me back, a friend's father died a couple of hours ago and my best friend broke up with his girlfriend and is a bit adamant about starting anew. The background stories are much more complex and I could whine all day about how shitty life is.

Instead, I'm listening to Katatonia.

And just like the moment I listened to LFDGD, the bleak music, the whole-hearted delivery of the band and the almost-biographical lyrics, I'm feeling a little better. Enough to keep going on and even smile. It's like: Hey, someone knows and has felt exactly like I felt! And they just made a soundtrack to this despair and it fucking kicks ass!

I still find it funny how sad music can make me so happy. Waiting for the LFDGD concert in Köln is almost unbearable. I'll probably cry from sadness, then from absolute joy.

Thanks, Katatonia!
And just like the moment I listened to LFDGD, the bleak music, the whole-hearted delivery of the band and the almost-biographical lyrics, I'm feeling a little better. Enough to keep going on and even smile. It's like: Hey, someone knows and has felt exactly like I felt! And they just made a soundtrack to this despair and it fucking kicks ass!

Thanks, Katatonia!

I couldn't agree more. That's actually the same way I felt when I first heard LFDGD... almost 4 years after release. Crazy to think it's the 10 yr anniversary of that album already.