Katatonia Forum Closing

Why would they be closing down their official forum right before the release of their new album?! That doesn't make any sense... I know I was never a well liked/respected member on this forum since I have very different viewpoints than most other members, but I still loved coming here every day just to read the latest updates and such. This is really the only remaining forum that I visit and post on on a near-daily basis. :erk: I'd like to think that they will reopen a new one under a different forum heading? Maybe Katatonia wishes to distance themselves from the "Ultimate Metal Forum" name since they don't consider themselves to be "metal" anymore? Hell, I don't know....I'm confused on this one though.
That's too bad, and what a coincidence when I just came back yesterday after being MIA from UM for years, really. Best of luck to the forumites and the band, whatever happens from here on out.
Very disappointing, this has been a great forum. Hopefully somebody creates an unofficial one soon.
Anyone willing to create an unofficial forum?

And archive this forum somehow!

I think they just want to gather and consolidate the crowd on failbook. For 2001 this forum was a good technology, now there are other standards and forms of communication. They probably want to cut the dry branch. It's sad, but serious discussions of Kata music will obviously drown in "please come to...", "can't wait", "you are awesome" comments on FB. And if I'll post something like "I don't really like Katatonia way since VE" I'll be buried under "Shut tha fukup and die" answers, posted by an army of infants.

So a new unofficial forum would be great. I like deep song analysis. And I need to practice my English!
Seems like the forum has grown the longest beard and now it's time for a clean shave?

What a tortured joke.

hm. I have webspace with unlimited traffic?
I also had a direct link to the forum since it was the only UM forum I still used, but I guess this will be gone soon as well. Same thing happened with the Anathema and Antimatter forums, and those were not archived...
I also had a direct link to the forum since it was the only UM forum I still used, but I guess this will be gone soon as well. Same thing happened with the Anathema and Antimatter forums, and those were not archived...

Hmm.. Hopefully this forum will be archived like Opeth's one. Or we'll have a week for nostalgie... Katatonia forum is the last forum on UM I still visit. And I really don't want move to FB! Some ppl ask guys there, what's the matter about closing UM forum. I asked too=)
This Is Just fucked up. Its like having your favourite music venue close down, or your favourite bar. Kev, Hugo, Vince, Swany, Cerulean, MadTinus, Unicorn, Lord Darksoul to name just a few.... Sharing 2006 - 2007 with you guys was defiantly a highlight.

I think the band pays UM to run this board. Maybe there is only so much in the budget for fan space on the web and failbook is taking it all.

Edit 24.7.2012: Soooo... looks like we can still edit posts. Have people from here moved elsewhere? Miss you all already.