Katatonia interview @ Hard Rock Lager, Estonia 3.07.2005


dispassion player
Oct 16, 2003
Tallinn, Estonia
This is short interview, done by young (16) guy named Vahur Hollo and Margus Kiis after Estonian gig @ Hard Rock Lager.
I couldn't get original tape, so i had to translate it actually from Estonian back to English. So, there may be errors and little mistranslation, also all partipicians were little drunk ;) so, don't take this interview too seriously ;)

original interview:Here
pictures from this show: Here

3. july, 2:30 AM, about 45 mins after show. Jonas is drinking Rock (beer) in backstage tent..

vh(Vahur Hollo): what did you feel on stage?
jr: cold...
vh: you thanked Estonian audience a lot...
jr: oh yea!...
vh: was it big or small audience for you?
jr: absolutely not small. we have been in Estonia before and now here in that festival. i am very happy to be here, absolutely...
hv: i agree but what do you think, what should be done that people would listen more metal?
jr: i don't know... ehmm... play more metal on TV and radio, but i know that wouldn't happen. It is undergorund afterall, you know. i think so...
vh: what do you think, why so much people listen to Katatonia?
jr: I think that people are able to get our message through or music and lyrics, they have same feelings like we do, so they are like connected to us. i think so...
vh: you have been around about 15 years or somethiong but as much as i know, you haven't released any new albums for several years now. when are you planning to realease your new stuff for your maniacs?
jr: actually we are recording new material right now, which will be hopefully released in december...
vh: can you compare it to Viva Emptiness?
jr: yeah, it is prettly alike, more darker...
vh: heavy...
jr: yeah, heavy, absolutely
vh: more heavy???
jr: yes, more heavy!!!
vh: even more heavier?
jr: more complex...

fn is approaching (coggling a little)

fn: more sssimbals!!!
vh: more symbols??? what do you mean?
fn: those labels on drums, are you listening to me?
jr: (trying to say something...)
fn: hey hey hey!!! shuuuut up!!!
jr: yes, more symols for drumkit this time...
fn: this symbol like errr... artist previously known as Prince?
jr: no...
vh: you mean the cash-aid?
jr: jes

(edit: well, abviously they were talking about that cymbal crash which fell on stage while performing)

mk(Margus Kiis): do you listen and are you interested in Finnish music, their gothic scene?
jr: (politely) Every time we performe there, the audience is brilliant. i think many good bands will come from there. and i think that Finland is very good country to perform this music we play.
mk: actually i am not Finn but i just noticed some similarities with Finnish goth...
jr: Absolutely, yes, mmmm.... When HIM became big, Finnish gothic scene evolved, which is very cool. many bands achieved success after HIM. it is very nice to see some very good bands emerging.
vh: what bands are more like Katatonia and what bands Katatonia fans like most.
jr: well, they aren't metal bands but in Sweden is band called Kent, which is more like popgroup but sounds still like Katatonia. the case with Katatonia sound is that... it is very hard for people to push back becouse we are (sound) so easy. it is very common to make things complicated and putting shit sound like shit. hehehe. i am serious... there are no band like Katatonia, we have our own style.

the tape ended...
metaljugge said:
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! I remember that one (I really do ya know) and it´s one of the best interviews ever made. Too bad the tape ended... viva estonia!

cheers to that!!!

Sadly i am just a messanger and not interviewer :P
I got just a chance to talk with Jonas briefly (pictures, autographs)

maybe more next time ;) when you come third time here :D