Similar Bands to Katatonia


Feb 7, 2006
Minnesota, USA
I've really gotten into Katatonia the past few months, and i'm always looking for more to listen to. Obviously since everyone's taste in music is different i can't just ask for good music, but anyone know any more bands similar to Katatonia? Anathema is a good once I've discovered pretty recently, been getting into them quite a bit (I just LOVE the song Fragile Dreams). Anyways, post whatever similar bands you can think of! Thanks!

(btw, i'm talking more recent katatonia, i didn't like their first 2 albums very much)
Agalloch sorta, very gloomy atmosphere.

Dark Suns, particularly the album Existence.

Nothing like Katatonia, but every Kata fan should listen to Diabolical Masquerade :D

Uh, I've no idea what the newer My Dying Bride/Paradise Lost/Moonspell albums sound like, but I'm thinking a Katatonia fan would enjoy them.

You might like Novembre.

Pain of Salvation also occasionally reminds me of Katatonia, a very emotional and at times dark band.

You might also like Tiamat's Wildhoney. A very atmospheric and beautiful doom metal album.
Probably bands like Novembre, October Tide ( for a more BMD kinda sound ) and Rapture, Woods of Ypres ( latest album ), Novembers Doom etc and maybe Beyond Dawn?

They don't sound like Katatonia obviously ( seeing how they are very unique ) but I guess some Katatonia fans could really get into these bands.

Well, not exactly, but if you love Brave Murder Day, then check out 'Futile', Rapture´s first album! (They´re on Spikefarm, so probably impossible to find anywhere)
you should check out then(not exactly like Katatonia but i really like them)
2-Pain of salvation
4-Porcupine tree
9-Rain paint
11-Daylight Dies
12-Novembers Doom
definitely these ones:

October Tide (obvious...)
Daylight Dies
Forgotten Tomb
Dark Suns
Klimt 1918
Fragile Hollow
Rain Paint
madu said:
Pain of Salvation also occasionally reminds me of Katatonia, a very emotional and at times dark band.
Of course, a view of music is very personal… but I don’t think we can compare Pain Of Salvation with Katatonia… The only thing probably is that both bands can make us cry sometimes… PoS lyrics are awesome, even more personally than Katatonia sometimes, but their music often doesn’t fit to the lyrics, that’s why I can’t say Pain Of Salvation is THAT good… Their best songs i.m.o. are power-influenced ballads (though I don't like power, I must admit), like “Ashes”, “Morning On Earth” and my personal favorite “Iter Impius” from “Be”, this is an excellent example of decadence romantics… and vocals in it even reminds me Dio… But still they have to do something with their melodies…
I can’t name ANY band that reminds me Katatonia right now… though Porcupine Tree, early Kent and Opeth’s “Damnation” are close to… Kata really has their unique sound and vibe, that’s why probably I love them that much.
I heard of this new band called purple floyd or pink floyd..
haven't listened them yet but my brother told me they have some katatonic stuff :)
I hope he's right :)
Verwuestung said:
I heard of this new band called purple floyd or pink floyd..
haven't listened them yet but my brother told me they have some katatonic stuff :)
I hope he's right :)

Hell yeah i heard they do some pretty wacky stuff right? they even use some kind of distorted sound on the guitar.... WEIRD :Smokin:.

( hehe i for once can appreciate a little sarcasm.. :blush:)