Katatonia Minus 30


Feb 24, 2009
Wonderful concert even if it wasn't big! Katatonia seriously kicked som ass in there and even playes July as we desperatly wanted!
Really nice work everyone in the band for comming up to Luleå, its love all the way.
I can almost remember every song they played still, haha man what a gig. Its like Im floating in a dream, totally awesome <3

/Norrbottningen med de andra som ville höra July
Oh god! Yes the songs :D What I counted as a starter up was Leaders, since I came a little late but I think that was the first :D (Then we fought our way to the front, completley awesome!) Then they also played, My twin, Soil's song, Tonight's Music, Ghost of the sun (Oh that one was so beautiful T___T *Sob sob*). They played For my demons (OH GOD <3) and I am nothing, then Murder did also came up and as we yelled for July it came up too! I think I was ready to die when they played July, seriously, god.. How it felt can't be written :rofl: Then Sleeper did they also play and that hour the gig went on, felt like a mere ten min -.- Geez, now theres no turning back that I will have to see them again :rofl: Oh! Cold Ways was played also, fucking love to all the songs!
And yes.. We can't forget that they played Teargas <3 That was also an ready to die moment, everyone in the crowd that were beside us were all singing along, included me :rofl: I could'nt shut my mouth, not even in one single song :)
Yeah, I thin that were the songs that were played, god I loved it, did'nt get so good pictures though since I only had my phone with me :/ But pictures are pictures, memories for life <3
Oh I did :) I would wanna do it again today even though my neck is a pain after all the headbanging, jumpins and screaming we did to ceep the crowd up :rofl: Geez, it can't be funny to travel all the way up here to see a bunch of silent sweeds :s We had to do something for them for comming here :)
Yes, I thought so too :) Though sure it would'nt have killed to add I transpire, Evidence and In the white maybe :/ But they didn't have such a long gig, but it was sure the best i've ever seen :)
they need to get dispossession back in their set, but dissolving bonds was surely a nice touch when I saw them, MORE EP TRACKS
Hehe nice clip, you can see me and my two band mates headbanging at the front :p I'm standing right in front of the bassist.
Excellent gig, Murder really capped it off like nothing else could've!

Damn you're right there! Murder was so heavenly good that there is no way of putting words to it! :D
I didn't have the money to both fly there and live in some hotel with my dad for a night just to see Katatonia, even though I really, really wanted to, it just couldn't happen. DAMMIT!
oh, gimme a break. What do you really think about that My Twin performance? I hardly recognize it because of the vocals.
Yeah now I hate the northern sweden papers, they are really talking Katatonia down :( It was a wonderful concert why can't they see that? Damn us sweeds -.-
My Twin sounds awesome live, I thought the same thing like you the first times I heard it, but since this one I can't stop listening to it, I even prefer this latest live sound to the original song, but that will probarly wear off. I just let my dad listen to it and I could tell he liked it too, awesome, hope they come to Stockholm so I can see them too.