Katatonia - no digipack?


New Metal Member
Aug 12, 2005
I am wondering if it is possible to get the peaceville katatonia albums in a jewel case instead of digipacks? I absolutely hate digipacks! of course if there is no other option then I'll buy them....
digipack is the foldout cardbard thing..

i dont get it.. why do ppl dislike them so much? i honestly like them better than jewelcase.
they add more space for layouts..more vinyl-cover feeling.
and i looooove teh vinyl.
I love digipacks sooo much. Often-times, they're supposedly much more rarer and hard-to-find than the jewel case. A limited edition! A hand-numbered collector's item of only a 1000! A fine packaging that makes life so fun! But when an album comes out originally as a digipack the rarer item becomes the jewel case. Like my copy of Cannibal Corpse's The Wretched Spawn I found used as a jewel case - the rarest CD in my collection! If one could find a jewel-case version of say, Katatonia's Last Fair Deal Gone Down, then that would be worth more than all the tea in China!

Viva Emptiness, Tonight's Decision, and all of Katatonia's other albums can be found in jewel cases. Dance Of December Souls, Viva Emptiness, and Last Fair Deal Gone Down have later been re-released as digipacks. The original version of Last Fair Deal Gone Down was not a digipack. It was an X-Box.

"Now we know - and knowing is half the battle!" - G.I. Joe

I can tell you why people may hate Digipacks:

There are different kinds of digipacks...I think the two most used are like the Last Fair Deal Gone Down [where you have to open four ... eh... sides of the case(?)...] and the normal one where you just open it once like a jewel case.
And people like me are using a ... [what's this in english *aaah*] a ... CD-Shelf? You know this thing made for CDs to put them in. And as you may imagine... digipacks don't fit in there... only the "normal" ones... but if you put them in and out a few times, the edges break and the whole digipack looks awful. So I have to put all my digipacks somewhere else and not into right order with my other CDs.
And then there's another problem. There are some digipacks where always [!!!!!!!] the booklet falls out, if you open them or just move them. And when they fall out they may get broken too... or lost... or whatever.
Aaand... another problem: Water or any other liquid things. I never had such a problem but a friend of mine once had a ... a hole in his roof and some waterdrops dropt on a digipack and of course it ... ehr ... fucking english... not my day today *aaah* ... it went like...you know... like paper looks like, when get wet.

Sorry for my bad english today... :erk:

Okay... LFDGD is an x-box ... nevermind
I'm sure you can find jewel case version of the albums, even if it means ebay - although i managed to find mine in shops, apart from LFDGD and Black Sessions all my Katatonia cd's are jewel cases.

I dont really mind digipacks. The LFDGD one with the four parts is awesome.
Ok thank you all for all the answers, I'll have a go at ebay then.

I dont like digipacks because some of them wont fit in my cd rack, and also I'm not that much for MP3s, so I handle my favourite CD's a lot and digipacks often degrades in quality if you dont stick them i a shelf untouched or something like that.

But I agree that it looks a bit classier with a digipack, at least in the begining and with nice foldouts wich you cant do with jewel cases.
BloodySwan said:
CD-Shelf? You know this thing made for CDs to put them in.
... it went like...you know... like paper looks like, when get wet.

Sorry for my bad english today... :erk:

its a cd rack. Shelf is pretty accurate though
When paper gets wet it goes soggy, im not sure if thats a real word but its used when paper gets wet ;)

ive never really put any thought into what type of cds i prefer, but i really dont like the jewel cases that have the cardboard box thing that they slip into, they dont fit well into racks and its just a pain in the ass! what is the purpose of these?? i usually just throw the cardboard out!
jptk said:
i really dont like the jewel cases that have the cardboard box thing that they slip into, they dont fit well into racks and its just a pain in the ass! what is the purpose of these?? i usually just throw the cardboard out!

i throw it out too, it's really useless!!

concerning the digipaks, i really like them. i'd like them even more if they all encluded some sort of enclosure... such as this cd of solefald:


i understand why people dislike them though, they are quite fragile and could be easily damaged, a lot of them are poorly inserted into digi-cases etc etc etc...
but as for me, the digipak packaging just gives releases a more artistic feel, much like original vinyl packaging indeed :cool: .
If the plastic that holds the disc in a digipak breaks or disattaches itself from the bottom you're fucked... In a jewelcase you can just replace it with another plastic-thingie. And jewelcases don't get all ugly edges. But still, digipaks are nice as long as they stay in shape.
I like the Burzum style digi-packs, they look quite professional and cool, but I really dislike Peaceville digi-packs like My Dying Bride and Katatonias, they are fragile and just look shitty, and often have no artwork or alot of artwork missing from jewel case editions.
It's called an X-Box because the digipack opens into four flaps resembling an "X". (Looks more like a Plus-Box if you ask me). Mayhem released one for Chimeria and Kreator released a deluxe one with a DVD for Enemy of God.

If you want to fit X-Boxes and other large digipacks into your CD shelf, do what I do - take an emtpy jewel case and use it as a shelf to store your CDs sideways, you know, standing up. I have all my CDs in alphabetical order so when I get to a CD that won't fit regularly, like a slip-case, I store it and all the discs in order around it standing up on a jewel case shelf.

first digipack i bought was of Opeth's Still Life, and before i bought it, it was already bent out of shape and shit. I would have waited to see it at some other store, but i couldent find that fucker anywhere around here. So i just bought it, and when i opened it up, the see through plastic thing that holds the cd was half unglued so i had to hold it down whenever i took the cd out. But now it looks more normal so im glad i bought it. And i still have not seen another copy of it anywhere since i got it.
ott0 said:
And jewelcases don't get all ugly edges. But still, digipaks are nice as long as they stay in shape.

Well said.. thats the main reason why i do hate digipacks, im using plastic sleeves for my digipack CDs .. i think i just have 3 digis (Despond "supreme funeral oration", Monolithe "I" and Skepticism "the process of farmakon", but i think im gonna buy anthor one since it getting very weary, i mean the edges....)
EvilVince said:
It's called an X-Box because the digipack opens into four flaps resembling an "X". (Looks more like a Plus-Box if you ask me).

In all my years of metal collecting and internet discussion, I've never heard of it referred to as an 'X-Box'. Rather, it's usually called a deluxe digipak or some other impressive and valuable sounding adjective.

As far as I'm concerned there are digipaks, jewel cases, slipcases, boxes, and tins. I'm saying "No" to the X-Box. I don't even like video games.
@jptk: Thanx a lot for your help with the language (;

In my opinion there should be two versions of every album, so that everyone can be happy.
I've got 8 digipacks and I put them to a special place, where the edges won't break so fast. And I've got 4 CDs with a cardboard [especially since the albums of my boyfriends band have these cardboards]...

...and though I've got some problems with not-pure-jewelcases I still say "The most important to me is what's on the inside..." :loco: if the music's good... I can handle with the rest..:D