Katatonia North American tour dates!

hee hee i managed to convice 4 people to come with me... they dont even listen to metal :P... more to come...more to come *evil laugh*
demonikon said:
tulsa, ok,; fayetteville, ar; Kansas City, Mo; Springfield, Mo;...any of these would be nice...
I think they might come to Tulsa, a booky is trying to bring them here at least....hope they do
Either way, I'm going to try and start in Colorado, and finish up in Texas. Maybe even the Jaxx in VA, saw the Gathering there, was really great.
man that would be cool.......I would love to be able to go see them 3-4 times this tour....if not more....being right next to detroit is nice....I was hoping they would get to harpos.....just because I am familiar with that shithole.....but the I-rock is great too....