Katatonia on swedish radio.


Señor Member
Apr 8, 2002
Tomorrow, the 14:th, katatonia will be on the show "för tidigt" on www.bandit1063.com
the show goes on at 6 AM swedish time (gmt +1) and goes ´til 10 (i think), but they mostly have visitors aroud 8-9..

I will try to record the show for you, but i won´t make any promises, as i am at work then, anc have visitors every now and then (cant listen to metal with company.. :) )

anyway, just thought i´d tell you all!
cool! I´m not at home (but do they have to do a show so "för tidigt" in the morning???) buy you MUST record it! is there a way to program the recording, like with videorecorder?( sorry about my ignorance..otherwise I could try to record it on tape...but since I´m not at home and I cannot take the radio with me, er it would be a bit difficult...)

Everyone who has the possibilty to record it (maybe at night for some American...) please do! I´m just curious, maybe they will play some new songs so it would be the first time for me to hear something from the new album, but if they send an interview or something it would be great to hear it in Swedish now that I understand the language...I promise I´ll post the translation here if some of you record it!
well.. i managed to record it.. but before i saved my computer went rebooting on me :/
they said they will put the interview on the net later though, so we can hope :)
Haha yeah and it was kinda funny. VENTIIIILER å grejjer! :lol:
Good interview though, but too short damnit!
Maybe someone will translate it for you non-swedish suckers. I wont, ha! :p
Wow, that was a lot of talking compressed into just under 4 minutes! Pretty cool, though i would've liked it to be longer, ofcourse.

(Ingen förstog min löjliga imitation av Bollnäs-Martin)

åjo, det gjorde man nog :)

Anders sounds a lot more like a Söderkis than i had imagined.. (cant say that in english.. it´s a very stockholmish way of speaking :) )
skitkul, ha ha:)
thanx very much for recording it...if someone is interested I could try to translate it into English even if neither English nor Swedish are my mothertongues...so it could turn out quite funny!
hell yeah, i did record it, if anyone wants a PROPER recording of the Show, here you have it... i will delete it in a couple of days, so hurry, or if the provider delete it earlier , i don´t know, just grab it NOW !!!



the first link is the complete interview including the songs and stuff, the second one is cut and only the interview... Enjoy !
ok I have been quickly trying to translate it...someone correct me if I´m wrong(both in English and Swedish) there a couple words missing because I wasn´t sure if I understood correctly, so maybe if some Swede can fill in...it would be nice, he he...
Here we go...( hope there aren´t misunderstandings)
B:I have Jonas and Anders from Katatonia here in the studio.
How are you?
A: Fine
J: Fine
The new album The Great Cold Distance is now out, it´s really good, how should you describe it?
J:I think if I have to compare it with the previous releases, it´s a little more massive, little harder with a little bit heavier songs.
A: heavy and dark
J: As I wanted to say..
A: Heavy and dark and it has something fucking cold in itself that is difficult to point out, there is something kind of really cold and sterile in the atmosphere that we have been trying to get already when we wrote the album…and it feels good. A little bit cryptic, there is something subtle in that, it´s difficult to explain...but you know, we always talk about sick things...we usually speak about visions and scenes and similar when we make music and we said that it should be like if it was blowing a lot in this record, valves (ventiler in Swedish…) and things like that..
J: we never speak about musical keys(tonarter) and similar..
A: We have no idea in what key is the album
B: You only talk about valves…
A: Indeed, it´s valves…
B: If you should compare it with Viva Emptiness, how is the album? How it differs?
A: it´s much more professional, everything regarding production and song writing is simply a step forward ..because it´s the same stile, the stile is just a step forward from what we started with Viva Emptiness..
J: even if it feels actually that it´s only 12-9 songs you know, then we play them three years later and it sounds like this.
B: What did you mean with The Great Cold Distance?
J : For me is like…a distance that people keep from each other…A kind of thing you build for not being…??? hurt by relationships and similar
I: Where do you actually come from? Some say Stockholm, other Avesta?
J:Anders and me live here in Stockholm, the other three live in Dalarna, two in Avesta and one in Falun.
A: So it´s the majority who live there, so that it ´s they are kind of bosses(så att det blir lite chef sådär liksom, not sure about it)
B.What about meeting in the middle…????
J:it would be nice actually. We usually go up there because it´s easier to get occasions to rehearse, Stockholm is just a hell for rehearsals places.
B: So you began calling you a doom-death band like many others before like Paradise Lost and Anthema. Some have become more mellow, but what have you done?Why?
A:It was, I mean, after a couple of year, 5-6-years of this style you felt you couldn’t go further, just this kind of song style within doom it´s so limiting for the songs. We began to think about, shall we add some part like a common nice song, you know, and then you feel like, shit, how nice things we can do with this! You don´t need anymore only lead guitars that do the melodies, but common ?????can do that. We never saw as something that comes??? ….just it as a possibility for the band to evolve, to do better songs.
How was the reaction upon this?
A: oh, at the beginning it was like a knife on the throat (not sure about the translation), but then it seemed that people were satisfied, they have………some album maybe, that we have not deceive any ideals, but we have tested to sing as most people sing.
B:What is My Twin about?
J:I wanted to do this song just like a kind of collage about relationships that have gone wrong, or this kind of feeling that you can have when you think that something is good but it´s not, it´s not as you have hoped.
B:What about some quick questions?
B: Beer or booze?
A& J: Beer
Anchor or Medusa?
Anchor, A: Anchor was the first pub I went in my life, so I have to pick up this in any case like an old rocker…
The Cure or iron maiden?
The Cure
Blond chicks or black haired?
A. ahh, ok I´ll take the blonde ones
Leather jacket or jeans jacket?
Thank for coming! I shall play My Twin. Fantastic song.
A, J: cool!