Katatonic photos

unfortunately photoshopped....but taken in ohio...


Wow, those photos were very "Katatonic". I liked them a lot. All you need to do is apply a filter or 2 to them using photoshop, and they would look perfect. Either way, with or without a filter, they look great. Keep up the awesome photography.


I wish i lived in Sweden. It looks great there...at least better than South California, all we have here is desert and oh yeah, desert.
dark_exile I must say.. you remind me a lot of varg vikernes in that picture :p

nice photo, though (and I don't mean your avatar :blush: )
MadTinus said:
I'm pretty sure that is Varg Vikernes in the picture.

funniest thing
I didn't know that
then I went to wikipedia to read about varg a little and I saw they have the exact same picture as does dark_Exile
so I thought oh.. well let's leave it as a joke as if I knew he that was varg in the picture..
but why lie? so I just wrote what I was thinking :)
He may be a totally azzhole but i found interesting the way he looks at picture.Its like he is thinkin "i know everthing" at that moment.

Thats not mean that i am a nazi.
I am married with a Turkish woman. : )
BloodySwan said:
And I like them just they way they are... of course you could add some effects and change colour and stuff like that, but I think the feeling is already in this original pics.

The atmosphere on that cemetary was very special, particularly when the sun went down and the streetlights began to shine I could almost hear the new Katatonia album echoing from the snowy hills... ;)
@ Ether- I'm looking forward to our video, hope you'll manage :)
paradoxile said:
Nice pictures...they have a very holocausty feeling...you know with the chimneys and the railroad tracks and the snow and the cross...All you need now is barbed wire and some German guys in Nazi uniforms.

You're an idiot, do you know that ben elef? :Smug:

i hope this pic works...

it was shot by a friend of mine, who is an incredible artist inspired by endtime... as you see he also didn't use photoshop and stuff like that.