Katatonic photos

paradoxile said:
Haven't seen this post earlier...what exaclty makes me an idiot?
and why the hell are you calling me BEN-ELEF?:confused:

Let me tell you why.
Jews are not the only population that has been massacared."We" didnt kill you.Because "We" , Germans of today,doesnt include some people that lived 65 years ago.So you cant blame any German or any French or anyone for holocaust.It was past and gone.It is racist to blame a German for holocaust or blame every Muslim for being a suicide bomber or blame a Jew for death of a innocent palestinian child in a crossfire or in a bombing.



Some of my own Artworks:)
dark_Exile said:
Let me tell you why.
Jews are not the only population that has been massacared."We" didnt kill you.Because "We" , Germans of today,doesnt include some people that lived 65 years ago.So you cant blame any German or any French or anyone for holocaust.It was past and gone.It is racist to blame a German for holocaust or blame every Muslim for being a suicide bomber or blame a Jew for death of a innocent palestinian child in a crossfire or in a bombing.

woooaw there buddy...I never said anything about blaming every german for the holoacuast...I said dressing some germans in nazi uniforms because...the nazis were german. who said anything about today? today's germany is democratic and has immigrants from different countries in europe like russia and turkey...
as for muslims...by all means I have some muslim friends and if you look at my last post in the "Introduce yourself thread" you'd see I hate muslim suicide bombers...and I distinguish them from normal muslims...It's clear that it's a fanatical minority making a big fuss.
but I will say this...Denying the holocaust ever existed is saying that some of my relatives weren't massacred and held in camps in subhuman conditions and haven't died in gas chambers or burnt alive by nazi fucks and simply disappeared without a trace.
6 out of the 11 million jews who lived back then in Europe were systematicaly killed...that's more than half.The German government is paying money to the remaining survivors of the holocaust which is about 500 euros a month.
Back in those days The Nazis Took all the Jewish wealth of those 6 millions,and today's germany is paying back only to those who are still alive and that can prove they were in camps and ghettos.
so where's the rest of the money and the priceless art that was never returned.I'll tell you exactly where it is...Germany used that money to reconstruct it self after WWII and a lot of stolen jewish money went to the families of SS troops and was never returned...
I am happy that you are not offended.
No one gonna forget holocaust,no one gonna forget those murderer schutzstaffel officers.

But the fact is war itself is a bad thing.
dark_Exile said:
I am happy that you are not offended.
No one gonna forget holocaust,no one gonna forget those murderer schutzstaffel officers.

But the fact is war itself is a bad thing.

war sux donkey balls...all the money invested in developing fire arms and training troops and the endless number of shells...with all of that money there would be no starving kids in africa,lower crime rate,better education,sports and culture.