Kate Beckinsale

I drunkenly played the saxophone for a hot chick last night. I banged her afterwards.
What made you go from zero to hero? Not too long ago you were as pure as the driven snow, now you're getting "tested" every 6 weeks. Happy for your wang, but I'm kind of curious on what made you spring forth from your shell. As that was all that was holding you back all along mate. Any lad with an ounce of confidence and some balls can get their pee pee moist. I have a dear friend, who is not a bad looking fellow at all (no homo), but he fubars himself due to being extremely introverted.
I think you may have me confused with the Moose Man. But basically I've stopped giving a shit, and somehow it is working
I think you may have me confused with the Moose Man. But basically I've stopped giving a shit, and somehow it is working

Thought you were Moose based on him being a Canuck and the Manitoba connection. LofnL, here I was thinking moose was getting his freak on like Zohan. So, Dick Sirloin is getting pussy, big deal. Somewhere in a Greek study class, Moose paws at a pic of Aphrodite, as his stim dick pangs. :(