Kate Beckinsale

She's thin, and I don't really dig thin chicks.

I want her really bad. Her character in that one TOTALLY GAY AS FUCK JOHN CUSACK MOVIE that I loved was pretty boner-inducing for me.
what cusack movie are you talking about? i saw a ridiculously bad movie today with christian slater called "untamed heart" or some shit.
dorian gray said:
what cusack movie are you talking about? i saw a ridiculously bad movie today with christian slater called "untamed heart" or some shit.
haha, is that the monkey heart one?! oh man that SUCKED.

Serendipity was the name of that flick.
NADatar said:
haha, is that the monkey heart one?! oh man that SUCKED.

Serendipity was the name of that flick.
no, it was something terrible where he got stabbed and that one jersey girl who was in my cousin vinny was in love with him. it was on in the background. wasnt really watching it.

i saw serendipity IN THE THEATER with my girlfriend/now wife. it was hard to keep from vomiting/killing someone
JayKeeley said:

Holy shit those are amazing legs.
She's been offered such lame roles these past few years, it's a complete waste of talent imo. Well "Aviator" was an ok movie in part, but I didn't like her character in there.
You people are sad. Instead of talking about super-womenz on forums, why not try getting out of your basement and getting REAL VAGINA, OMGZ!?
will do sunday night after the superbowl.

Actually, I'm not in a basement, I'm in my appartment, third and last floor of the building. I go out pretty often, but can never get into anything serious. Heh, I suck. I'm not a big talker, and I always hate music in bars.
man as robot said:
You people are sad. Instead of talking about super-womenz on forums, why not try getting out of your basement and getting REAL VAGINA, OMGZ!?

Says the prepubescent boy. Why don't you try shutting the fuck up for a change and stop making yourself out to be more of a cunt than you already present yourself to be. As if talking about the vag equates to not getting any vag.
man as robot said:
I get vagina. Oh, and fuck you. I don't like you.

Yeah, good for you. You aren't the only one bigshot. Also, I don;t mind you not liking me because the feeling is mutual. In fact, if I ever had the pleasure of meeting you face-to-face, I'd probably incapacitate you to be quite fucking honest.
Right, maybe you should try excercising something else than your vocabulary and fingers. Buddy, I don't like shit talking online. In fact, I'm quite the little bastard in real life. I'd love to see it. (lol, i cant belive im stooping to such an ignorant level.)


this is where it ends before it turns ultragay. I just hate you, end of story.
i'm not sure if you've seen pictures of doomcifer, but rest assured that the guy could and would kick your ass six ways to next thursday. just sayin