Kayo Dot Autumn Tour 2006!!

show in St. Louis was great. KD set was awesome, playing around an hour or so. there was a decent sized crowd (60 i think), and Tatsuya Nakatani was amazing- i've never seen anyone do what he does. Ryan, Toby, and Forbes did an improv piece with Tatsuya and Mark (owner of the venue, on cello) which was great. I saw at least 3 60+ year old people there to see Tatsuya, one in socks with sandals and two of whom walked into the venue in time to witness the more ear-piercing portions of The Antique. I believe that performance of The Antique may have solidified it as my favorite from the band's compositions. also got to hear Amaranth the Peddler and ___ on Limpid Form, which was a fantastic closer. seeing these pieces live really exhibits how the group feigns a seemingly loose, improvised facade, when in fact the pieces are highly/purposefully constructed.

i have almost no good show pics as there were several annoying people with cameras flashing literally 2-3 feet from the band's faces, and i didn't want to add to the confusion. plus i am a weiner. but i did get some dog on greg action shots, maybe a toby doing laundry pic, and a shots of Forbes cooking and watching the Candlemass Documents of Doom and Tai Chi Master dvds so those will be posted this week. i'm sure i annoyed them snapping pics when they were trying to relax, but it's not every day i have 7 musical Bostonians in my house. i had lotsa fun, glad i got to see them.
Is there any chance that Kayo Dot will tour more venues without a 21+ age restriction sometime in the future?
I'd love to seem them live, though it looks like I'll have to wait a few more years.
I'm pretty excited for the Richmond show on 10/30. If the band needs a place to crash, my new apartment is only about a mile from the venue and I have floor space/couches to spare.
So The Dope called me but I was busy murdering my way to the truth while you were in town (DC). Sorry about that, anyone make that show? ?ow was it? Coming back anytime soon? Remember when I used to post regularly?
So The Dope called me but I was busy murdering my way to the truth while you were in town (DC). Sorry about that, anyone make that show? How was it? Coming back anytime soon? Remember when I used to post regularly?
Hmm, two copies of the same post automatically, is that a new ultimatemetal feature?

To xfer: Nothing much, live in DC now, I work as a government scientist. I think of you everyday though when I get off at the "XFER REDLINE" stop on the bus to jump on the metro. Did I miss any board wars or ridiculous new posting peoples like the distorted green dude who said he could make kayo dot big cause he was a promoter? What was that guys name?
not much at all! with the band touring all the time the board has, like ap said, been really slow. also minxnim joined a travelling rabbit circus and stopped posting.
Well, when that circus gets to DC, someone will have to let a brother know. Also, I live in the ghetto again, how does this keep happening?