(sorry for no pics, they turned out really dark and crappy/distant)
got to the show about an hour before doors opened. instantly saw Greg and then Sam. I went up to Sam...hmmm, I will keep this short since I'm exhausted...and introduced myself, and he recognized my real/forum name since I put up flyers/posters for the show. the turnout was pretty upsetting but oh well. probably about 15-20 people. I ran the merch table, which did surprisingly well considering the turnout. several people bought a poster, buttons, cd, and a shirt. others just got a cd or a shirt. I finally have a KD shirt now with a cool design and tour dates.
Forbes, Sam, and I went to a Thai restaurant called Fate and had vegan tofu goodness..probably the best tofu I've ever had. Forbes and I had a pretty long conversation before the show about music, life, whatever. Sam and I also had a good convo about all sorts of stuff including Alex's coolness.
surprisingly no awkward silent moments. the band is really cool and easy to approach including Mia and Toby who I briefly talked to since they were doing their thing and seemed preoccupied. Greg was also really awesome, but I'm upset I didn't get any "totally pooping" pics of him.
as for the show, I was surprised they all fit on the stage but Sam said they had played smaller stages. the sound was really good initially, and I'm surprised at how well the songs were pulled off live. the venue was cool and also acted as an art space with a bar. they started with Wayfarer, which is/was my fave KD song. Mia did really well despite kinda being down on herself after the show. she had much more presence live than on the album I think. DJ did a great job throughout the show making everything mesh together despite his apologies for the bad sound after the show. Toby's vocals were pretty spot on throughout except at the end during The Manifold Curiosity when some feedback caused his vocals to be distorted. pretty sure the setlist was Wayfarer > Marathon > The Manifold Curiosity. TMC is now my favorite KD song because seeing it performed live really made me appreciate the frenzy of it all. KD is all about atmosphere live, and the crowd responded pretty well despite a few people who were there just to drink at the bar and talked during the quiet and not quiet moments, but thankfully they left early.
so, yeah, I'm moving back to North Carolina so I'll see you guys again in Asheville on Sat. the 27th. I'll try to get a few friends to go, but the timing is bad since it's Thanksgiving weekend and I'm sure they're going home. if you see this, I appreciate the entertainment and conversation. have fun/good luck with the rest of the tour. peace.[/end fanboy dribble]
got to the show about an hour before doors opened. instantly saw Greg and then Sam. I went up to Sam...hmmm, I will keep this short since I'm exhausted...and introduced myself, and he recognized my real/forum name since I put up flyers/posters for the show. the turnout was pretty upsetting but oh well. probably about 15-20 people. I ran the merch table, which did surprisingly well considering the turnout. several people bought a poster, buttons, cd, and a shirt. others just got a cd or a shirt. I finally have a KD shirt now with a cool design and tour dates.
Forbes, Sam, and I went to a Thai restaurant called Fate and had vegan tofu goodness..probably the best tofu I've ever had. Forbes and I had a pretty long conversation before the show about music, life, whatever. Sam and I also had a good convo about all sorts of stuff including Alex's coolness.

as for the show, I was surprised they all fit on the stage but Sam said they had played smaller stages. the sound was really good initially, and I'm surprised at how well the songs were pulled off live. the venue was cool and also acted as an art space with a bar. they started with Wayfarer, which is/was my fave KD song. Mia did really well despite kinda being down on herself after the show. she had much more presence live than on the album I think. DJ did a great job throughout the show making everything mesh together despite his apologies for the bad sound after the show. Toby's vocals were pretty spot on throughout except at the end during The Manifold Curiosity when some feedback caused his vocals to be distorted. pretty sure the setlist was Wayfarer > Marathon > The Manifold Curiosity. TMC is now my favorite KD song because seeing it performed live really made me appreciate the frenzy of it all. KD is all about atmosphere live, and the crowd responded pretty well despite a few people who were there just to drink at the bar and talked during the quiet and not quiet moments, but thankfully they left early.
so, yeah, I'm moving back to North Carolina so I'll see you guys again in Asheville on Sat. the 27th. I'll try to get a few friends to go, but the timing is bad since it's Thanksgiving weekend and I'm sure they're going home. if you see this, I appreciate the entertainment and conversation. have fun/good luck with the rest of the tour. peace.[/end fanboy dribble]