Keep it in the Family Tour....who saw ?


Aug 25, 2003
I saw The Keep It In The Family Tour live in Edmonton on Oct 10th and it was awesome ! The club was packed, the bill could have played a bigger club.

Zimmers Hole was hilarious and put on an amazing show. This was the first time I've seen ZH. Chris Valago (singer) has a great voice and seeing Jed and Byron in a different band was cool.

SYL kicked ass as usual, Ive seen them 2 other times, which I had to travel to Vancouver to see them both times. Devin was awesome with the crowd, he also said some pretty funny shit in between songs. Gene Hoglan was amazing to watch, twirling his drumsticks while pulling off some intense drumming. The only song I wanted to see live was 'Aftermath' and they played it, so I was a happy camper ! I hope they come back soon...

DTB was the main event for me ! It seems the crowd was looking forward to this set as well. I've never seen any of Devin's solo stuff live before. I was hoping to see Devin play a guitar solo and see them perform 'Truth' and 'Earth Day'. All my wishes came true ! Devin's voice was amazing along with his guitar playing and the rest of the band was very tight. Ryan's drumming is very solid and suits DTB perfectly, Bryan rocks out big time and Mike and Dave looked as cool as cucumbers up there. It was so cool to see and hear his solo stuff live. I cannot wait to see the DTB live again, if you have'nt seen them....GO ! It is worth every penney and it will be a concert you will never forget. The emotion in the performance and music is amazing. Thank You Devin !

PS... I met Ryan (we talked for 20 min's or so) and was going to ask him a bunch of question's about DTB and drumming but we got talking about Hockey and all the pranks he videotaped during this tour. He was an awesome guy to talk to, he had no ego and was very approachable. He did mention that Devin was throwing around the idea of a Devy DVD ! That would rule !

I got some pictures as well.... I'll post them in this thread when I get back from class.

The cheese metal was the best... guy next to me won a blowjob hahaha.
NicodemiX said:

I got some pictures as well.... I'll post them in this thread when I get back from class.

The cheese metal was the best... guy next to me won a blowjob hahaha.
Hey you guys, lucky bastards !!!
If you have pics, would you like to see them on HDR ???

Yeah !!!! Nicodemix, make sure you send the pic's of the bands that night in Edmonton to Geoff so he can post them on HDR ! That would rule, definintly post them here as well. I didn't take a camera with me and I'm kicking myself now ! Ryan (DTB drummer) did videotape some footage that night, I saw him tape some of Zimmers Hole's set.... I would kill to see some of that footage. I'm sure there was footage of DTB and SYL taped as well. What a wicked show !!! Anyone else see the show ? Or take any pic's that they want to share ?

My SYL pics were shit (because I was getting mauled in the pit... I'm a small fucker), but I had very good DTB pics. Let me know where to send them.
Okay I sent the email... for the board, here are a couple of thumbs of a few of the pics.


Dev and Satan during Bad Devil


Dev being Dev

the guy's head on the right gives a prospective of how close I was.
Nice work Nicodemix ! Thanks for sharing your pic's ! I can't wait to see the rest....did you get any pic's of the other members, love to see those too if you have 'em. Bring them on ! thanks again !!!
actually the ones I sent you were all the ones I had, unfortunately I didn't use flash for most of the pictures so most of my pictures didn't turn out :( , but I'm happy to share what I did get, especially since they're getting put up on HDR :grin:
NicodemiX said:

Speaking about pics, for the HDR site to come,
I work on the live pics sections frm 1997/98 pics to 2003 pics ... I found Old devy pics I had on cd, even an old noisecape and Punky bruster pic ...

However, if you guys have old devy, SYL live pics, send them...Especially from years before 2000...

NicodemiX said:
Hey Geoff, did you lose those pictures?

I have tons of pics, the problem is that I have too much work
I work on the HDR forums and on the new HDR site . I work on the site of Seventh frame photography and on RVPdrums . I work on the site of Russel bergquist (ex-annihilator bassist) et the site of Vivien Lalu (awesome french composer, also I will probably work on his cd cover) ... And I have projects to come :ill:

So I have all the pics that has been sent to me, but Why should I post most of them on the actual HDR site if I actually design a complete different site .
I post some fan pics and updates but bigger content will come with the new site later this year