What do you guys think? I personally would rather have Nevermore go back to using 6 string guitars.
Originally posted by Ecstatic Youth
although DHIADW is my fav Nevermore album, i picked six because i guess i like the guitarwork better on the other albums, even though its no t like he couldn't do the same on a seven, maybe i'm just hoping for some POE and IM type work and such on Enemies of Reality
Originally posted by Vylance X
Why does EVERYONE think and give credit to Korn being the "originators" and the first to use a 7 string guitar?
Obviously you haven't heard of Steve Vai, for he was the first. Well, to the best of my knowledge. At first, Steve didn't want the low end B, he wanted to put on an extra high A. He couldn't do it because he couldn't get a gauge high enough to perform the task, so he just played with the low B.
Originally posted by Ecstatic Youth
Holy, the exact same post by two different people, Batman!