Keeping the bass at a consistent volume on all notes

I would be a far less mentally stable person without Bass Rider. I first read about it in the systematic mixing guide, best investment I've made in a while. Worth every cent!
i REALLY fucking like this idea. i've never thought or tried of parallel bass in this fashion.


! =D

Well i feel the same, never liked to split the bass track to 15different tracks haha, i go for one track and try to make that one sound as good as i can. But this idea is to limit one track to hell is just to tame the dynamics then the other track just gets some bassrider treatment and a couple of db's of GR and then those 2 basstrack glues very well in the mix and you don't get that 5db different between different notes playing.

Works very well in my opinion.
I would be a far less mentally stable person without Bass Rider. I first read about it in the systematic mixing guide, best investment I've made in a while. Worth every cent!

For me it just got few more cents. Out of curiosity tried it on snare and kick... actually works pretty good!!!
clip gaining (reaper - take volume envelope)

Care to elaborate on this?

i go for one track and try to make that one sound as good as i can.
I personally always have trouble once I add the "grit" track to bass. I can get a pretty decent (IMO) clean DI tone, but the grit track always seems to either be too noticeable in the mix or not noticeable at all. I can't seem to "glue" them together, even after bussing down and comp/limiting that.
Reaper have alternative to Pro tools clip gaining that is called Take volume envelope (select clip> right click>take>take volume envelope), but remembered that Reaper has same option as pro tools and I suppose Cubase - just hover cursor over top of clip and drag just like you would want to make clip picture smaller.
I personally always have trouble once I add the "grit" track to bass. I can get a pretty decent (IMO) clean DI tone, but the grit track always seems to either be too noticeable in the mix or not noticeable at all. I can't seem to "glue" them together, even after bussing down and comp/limiting that.

When I want dublicate with grit - I hipass grit coppy and blend it in and for EXTRA grit I would make 3rd track with hipass and with lowpass before guitar hi-gain amp, so it all focus on those cutting hi-end clank. And again HP + LP to get rid of unnecessary Hz and than blend that signal in (really low volume).
Awesome, I thought I remembered something like that in Reaper that I stumbled upon by accident. I'll have to check that out. This would seriously help me out on certain vocal punch-ins a LOT!!

I just remembered that right settings allowed to equalize each strummed note (without making note flat block - compressor like), so just thought to try that for kick that got really broad hit variety and it worked (same for snare).
Care to elaborate on this?
It's the option in the envelope window that says "Volume (Pre-FX)" and you're basically changing the volume before it hits any processing (the fader is not affected at all, that's post FX).

It'd be the same thing as putting something like FreeG before any plugins and automating or doing whatever with that.

EDIT: Beaten to it... Woops lol