Keith Olbermann..

Silence! You obviously worship Keith Olbermann, so your slanted reporting on the subject of evening news commentators is as valuable as a hanky loaded with Elvis' snot. (Which does have value in certain ghoulish markets.)

All hail Wilhelm von O'Reilly! We O'Reillyists shall crush the cowardly combined forces of the Olbermannists and Mathhewsists in bloody street battles before and during each election!!


An "O'Reillyists" that would be great slogan on one of his mugs or t-shirts.

Die hard O'Reillyist: "Keep it pithy you bloviating pinheads"
oh, wow... i just found a chart for last month's cable news broadcasts. FYI... Fox News' numbers are in red. MSNBC's are in orange. take note: MSNBC's line isnt even touching Fox News' line!
ok. I've read your posts and for the life of me I cant figure out your point. You're saying that because more people watch o'reily, that makes the things he's said that were proven to be untrue [and fox, in general also] more credible?
Anyone rememeber Private Parts? The movie about howard stern? They said at one point that the average hpward Stern fan listened for 28 minutes. The average person that hated him listened longer.

Ratings don't mean shit. I hate Anne Coulter but i am so amused by her that I watch her anyway.

just like with Howard Stern, its' all about the ratings.
from some of the letters O'Reilly reads, it's obvious he's got a lot of folks that watch him because they cant stand the idea that he may be saying something they dont agree with and they wont be able to hear it, otherwise.
it doesnt matter WHY they watch. the fact is, O'Reilly is getting the numbers. if Olbermann or anybody else said anything anybody cared enough about to be passionate about... whether for or against... they'd be watching him.
ok. I've read your posts and for the life of me I cant figure out your point. You're saying that because more people watch o'reily, that makes the things he's said that were proven to be untrue [and fox, in general also] more credible?

geez... is English your second language?
it's obvious you dont understand and i dare say, if i broke out the sock puppets, you still wouldnt understand... but i'll try.

what i'm saying is that people want to watch O'Reilly and Fox News. they dont want to watch Olbermann and MSNBC.

as for the things O'Reilly and Fox have said that have been proven untrue... what would those be? do you mind giving some examples... posting some links?
and please, no links to random blog sites. i'm talking about hard proof.
geez... is English your second language?
it's obvious you dont understand and i dare say, if i broke out the sock puppets, you still wouldnt understand... but i'll try.

what i'm saying is that people want to watch O'Reilly and Fox News. they dont want to watch Olbermann and MSNBC.

as for the things O'Reilly and Fox have said that have been proven untrue... what would those be? do you mind giving some examples... posting some links?
and please, no links to random blog sites. i'm talking about hard proof.
Again, since you're clearly too slow to grasp more than 2 syllable words and incessant clanging of a retarded monky banging on pots and pans.
just like with Howard Stern, its' all about the ratings.
from some of the letters O'Reilly reads, it's obvious he's got a lot of folks that watch him because they cant stand the idea that he may be saying something they dont agree with and they wont be able to hear it, otherwise.
it doesnt matter WHY they watch. the fact is, O'Reilly is getting the numbers. if Olbermann or anybody else said anything anybody cared enough about to be passionate about... whether for or against... they'd be watching him.

Yeah, but that's not true and unbiased reporting. Both these asses are party puppets doing very biased opinion pieces. To O'reilly's advantage there are less conservitive angled news stations so his compition is less.

99% of the time when anybody makes the other side out to be just short of evil, they're fucking morons and they're part of the dumbing down of America. Screw em both.
Yeah, but that's not true and unbiased reporting. Both these asses are party puppets doing very biased opinion pieces. To O'reilly's advantage there are less conservitive angled news stations so his compition is less.

99% of the time when anybody makes the other side out to be just short of evil, they're fucking morons and they're part of the dumbing down of America. Screw em both.

see... i dont see that. how is it not 'true and unbiased'? every since Fox News came out and started tearing up the ratings, people [usually those with an interest in the other networks] have been saying the same thing, but it hasnt been proven and more often than not, is disproven.
O'Reilly certainly isnt a 'party puppet.' he does a good job of NOT endorsing any candidate or party and of thoroughly scourging any party that he sees as screwing up.

i think this whole thing started back in 2000 when it was discovered that a Bush cousin worked for Fox News. Fox called Bush as the winner in Florida and the next thing you know, the left is crying that Fox News is biased towards Bush.
the thing is, when Fox called the race, it was AFTER the polls had closed, unlike say, CBS news that announced the polls in Florida were closed over an hour BEFORE they actually were, possibly influencing many to stay home.

Fox News just has a better set of programming and the numbers have been constant. if they werent doing something right, you wouldnt see the consistency in ratings.
Yeah, but that's not true and unbiased reporting. Both these asses are party puppets doing very biased opinion pieces. To O'reilly's advantage there are less conservitive angled news stations so his compition is less.

99% of the time when anybody makes the other side out to be just short of evil, they're fucking morons and they're part of the dumbing down of America. Screw em both.

How can you blame something like "demonizing the other guy" for dumbing down America? Pardon me, but we live in the goddamned information age. People deliberately choose where and how to be informed. Any dumbness can be directly blamed on broken schools and exhausted and/or selfish parents.

Sue likes FOX because their slant is away from pure Marxism, and she's giving out the numbers to show that other people are interested in a non-Marxist slant as well.

Furthermore, the numbers reveal that Olbermann sucks Musk Ox testes, and Olbermann must be servicing execs at MSNBC to keep his show running.

Its relatively simple.

Again, since you're clearly too slow to grasp more than 2 syllable words and incessant clanging of a retarded monky banging on pots and pans.

if somebody supposedly called O'Reilly out, nobody heard it because they were all watching O'Reilly.

now please step away from the thread. it's obvious you get all your information from internet blog sites and couldnt form an independent thought if your life depended on it.
How can you blame something like "demonizing the other guy" for dumbing down America? Pardon me, but we live in the goddamned information age. People deliberately choose where and how to be informed. Any dumbness can be directly blamed on broken schools and exhausted and/or selfish parents.

Sue likes FOX because their slant is away from pure Marxism, and she's giving out the numbers to show that other people are interested in a non-Marxist slant as well.

Furthermore, the numbers reveal that Olbermann sucks Musk Ox testes, and Olbermann must be servicing execs at MSNBC to keep his show running.

Its relatively simple.


You a strange and funny little man.

That is what I am talking about. He acts like a really lame Dennis Miller, and I am ashamed to even mention Millers name in the same sentence as olbermanns.

That video was Keith's absurd attempt to justify his lunacy. I'm not an Oreilly fan one bit, but to go after the guy for the Malmady thing..that is really, really grasping for some sort of half assed victory. Anyone even educated on WW2 would see right through that.

Like I said, he is funny. Look at the rage that burns in his eyes as he talks down to the camera, THATS what I am talking about. Its sad that "professional" tv personalities attack each other in childish ways, but hey some people never grown up. Good times! This is like when Jim Carrey tried to become a real actor and leave comedy behind, that was the funniest thing he ever did!
How can you blame something like "demonizing the other guy" for dumbing down America? Pardon me, but we live in the goddamned information age. People deliberately choose where and how to be informed. Any dumbness can be directly blamed on broken schools and exhausted and/or selfish parents.

Sue likes FOX because their slant is away from pure Marxism, and she's giving out the numbers to show that other people are interested in a non-Marxist slant as well.

Furthermore, the numbers reveal that Olbermann sucks Musk Ox testes, and Olbermann must be servicing execs at MSNBC to keep his show running.

Its relatively simple.


Its simple math. When you have a show floundering but it is your only retort to a widely popular conservative channel/show you will keep it afloat.

I often wonder how and why we have people in America that put up with some bullshit from muslims, illegal aliens, etc etc. I like Foxnews because they tell you who those morons on, the same scared white liberal idiots who bow down to any minority issue in this country. Those people have created a welfare state, a state of apathy and laziness. The conservatives have their own problems, fucking religion and sexual repression, wtf mate!~?

Back to Olbermann...he just looks like his on the verge of snapping. I would bet good money he has masturbation fantasies about assasinating Bush.
While Fox is still at the top, the overall numbers don't show the true picture. Fox's audience is heavily skewed to senior citizens. Here are the cable news ratings for the age group 25-54 from Monday May 19 (the latest numbers I've seen posted):

1. The O'Reilly Factor 8pm (Fox) 504,000
2. Countdown with Keith Olbermann 8pm (MSNBC) 477,000
3. Hannity & Colmes 9pm (Fox) 396,000
4. Special Report 6pm (Fox) 319,000
5. Hardball 7pm (MSNBC) 317,000
6. The Fox Report 7pm (Fox) 295,000
7. Larry King Live 9pm (CNN) 284,000
8. The O'Reilly Factor 11pm (Fox) 279,000
9. Off The Record with Greta Van Sustern 10pm (Fox) 267,000
10. The Verdict with Dan Abrams 10pm (MSNBC) 266,000
11. Nancy Grace 8pm (CNN Headline) 258,000
12. Anderson Cooper 360 10pm (CNN) 248,000
13. Countdown with Keith Olbermann 10pm (MSNBC) 233,000
14. Showbiz Today 11pm (CNN) 232,000
15. Nancy Disgrace 10pm (CNN Headline) 228,000

I'm not denying that Fox is still on top. But I often hear people saying things like "O'Reilly beats Olbermann 3-to-1" or "Fox dominates while no one is watching MSNBC." MSNBC has surpassed CNN for 2nd place and Olbermann's numbers are way up compared to a year ago, while O'Reilly's are slightly down. TVNewser posts the ratings every few days for those interested.
Hey dumbass, how about talking about ALL the numbers? can't pull a group away from the rest and say "Well, the numbers are about the same". ...everyone is a little more stupid having read your post.
Hey dumbass, how about talking about ALL the numbers? can't pull a group away from the rest and say "Well, the numbers are about the same". ...everyone is a little more stupid having read your post.

let him go. it's hilarious!
not only do his numbers show that Fox is STILL the top rated cable news network, but O'Reilly is actually in the top 10 TWICE!
it's the same show, just the 11pm repeat, and enough people are still watching it to keep it above first runs from networks like MSNBC [Olbermann is probably pulling out his hair over that one] and CNN.
Hey dumbass, how about talking about ALL the numbers? can't pull a group away from the rest and say "Well, the numbers are about the same". ...everyone is a little more stupid having read your post.
I wasn't trying to pull a specific group away. 25-54 is the industry standard by which ratings are judged by the advertising firms. Advertisers could care less about 12+. Sue mentioned Howard Stern. Why do you think he brought in so much revenue to WXRK? It wasn't because of 12+. He often got beat by WINS in 12+. But he dominated 25-54 and earned Viacom a truckload of money. My only point is that no one mentions the high percentage of Fox News viewers who are senior citizens. When you sit back and look at the numbers that advertisers are looking at, O'Reilly is clearly winning, but not by much.
not only do his numbers show that Fox is STILL the top rated cable news network, but O'Reilly is actually in the top 10 TWICE!
Correct. I stated that in my original post. I merely posted the numbers to point out statements like "no one is watching Keith Olbermann" are false. I'll say it again....Fox is clearly in 1st place in cable news. No doubt about it.

it's the same show, just the 11pm repeat, and enough people are still watching it to keep it above first runs from networks like MSNBC [Olbermann is probably pulling out his hair over that one.
Which Fox News rerun is beating the first run of Olbermann?