Kemper owner thinking of Axe-FX

If it was just about the sound/tone I'd say sending out some of your DI's with a vision of what you want, to a guy like Lasse for example, and paying him for a reamp/profiling session shoud be way cheaper than the Axe FX.

If it's for the FX only then well...I guess that is one of the big points that always gets pointed out as THE strong thing about the Axe FX (immense processing power for endless shenanigans), don't know if it can be beat in that department.
Haven't played around with neither tho, from soundclips I know that the kemper should be way enough for me in the FX department...
I don't know if you'd want some of the specific axe fx things the choir thingy they have on going, haven't seen that somewhere else so far.
You'll not get a better all in one box. I'd still take an amp and cab every day of the week over any of it but who has the time/budget for the tiny difference these days unless you're recording the next nickelback album :D


Fremen's Axe Fx II presets are great!
Thanks ;)

I've been toying with a Kemper for three weeks, alongside my Axe II (I even profiled 90 of my Axe presets). It's a fine tool, but even for amp tones only, I still prefer the sound/sensation/versatility of the Axe more. I guess it's because I can edit a preset exactly the way I want within the Axe ; with a Kemper profile the editing options are really limited, although swapping the cab or using the EQ does help. I've tested all the free profiles I could find but no one were really 100% there for me for metal tones. I guess it's a guitar/playing style/taste thing
Gear is subjective and I've used the axe fx 2 for two years now and I think it's a good product but with some annoying down sides. My experience when using and comparing both the kemper and axe fx 2 is different than fremens. When I noticed how many big producers used a kemper on albums and seeing a large number of axe fx users switching over to the kemper after comparing them I got very interested. When two of my friends sold their Axe fx 2 after comparing it to the kemper I got a kemper myself to compare with.
The verdict was easy for me and I now use the kemper for all amp tones because it both feels and sounds better to me and it can profile amps. It's also a good bonus that it's a whole lot easier to work with for me in many ways. I'm all about the amp tones so it doesn't matter to me that it has fewer effects, but I like some of them more than the ones in the Axe fx 2, and I prefer some effects in the Axe more. So the Axe fx 2 is not getting much use today but it's good to have the few times some crazy effects are needed.
I also have no problems adjusting a sound to my ears with either unit since both boxes can change a sound to something completely different with ease.
in fact I did. I know many peoples loves them and they must be really good for sitting in a mix. Again, it's a taste thing :) Are you a Kemper user ?

yes i use the kemper pretty frequently. i prefer to use my own profiles, but Lasse's kill it and sit perfectly in the mix like you mentioned. i guess they all have a similar flavor to some extent but can fit pretty much any metal project with some tweaking.