Kemper Profiling Amp

how do all you guys afford this!? I'm being serious. I always wonder how people can afford such expensive gear. Did you sell other gear? credit card? Or do you just have a good job?

i work my ass off and i abandon unnecessary stuff like
buying expensive clothes...:tickled:
fenixdoido, I liked the afm-duel-rec-2 profiles the most. Maybe too much gain on most profiles? Could be my personal preference though.
Holy hell that AF SLO 100 sounded amazing. It isn't in the metal pack, where did you find it??
I liked the SLO, 5150 and the Uber.

I really need to get some cash together for one of these. I love micing up valve amps but this one box would give me the sound of a whole bunch of amps I'd never be able to afford otherwise.
Just found that, cabs, power amps and other stuff designed just for the kemper.

Sooooo owners, after time playing with it, where are you standing now? still loving it?
Has anybody used it on a full album/track? i would love to hear that

^I love mine. Especially the Amp Factory Krank Rev (3C1 more precisely which is just my cup o' tea) and Sacha's profiles.
I recorded this song way back in March, shortly after I first got my KPA. After almost 10 months with it... I still love it to death. I know the unit better, and I'm still getting better tones (and mixes) out of it now than I did when I first got it. I profiled my amp/cab again the other day, and I felt like I had forgotten just how awesome this thing is!

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Those BlueAmps seem to be pretty good. Actually I think I saw the true potential of Kemper the first time when watching this video.
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