Kemper Remote Control

May 28, 2015
Stockholm, Sweden
Finally I made up my mind to sell my live rig (6505+) and get a Kemper Poweramp. I'm not gigging that much lately, I've been more into recording / mixing, I guess I'm getting old hahaha Actually, my live rig has been getting dust in my apartment for the last year and a half.

Anyway, I'll still have some gigs occasionally in the future so I'll be using the kemper live too, and therefore, I need a footswitch (mainly for changing rhythm/lead presets). Do you guys use footswitches with your kempers ? Could you share your experience in this matter ? I'm not sure about getting the kemper with its remote control switch or buying a cheaper footswitch. Thanks !
I use the behringer fbc1010 with the uno chip for kemper and it works great. I've let people borrow it for gigs and even for some shows on a cruise ship tour and everyone has loved it and said it worked great. The foot pedals seem a little thin/light compared to your normal wah/volume pedals but have stood up to a lot of usage and no problems.
Just got the Kemper branded foot switch. It is awesome. I say if your budget allows, it's at least worth some heavy consideration. It's built like a tank, and I didn't do a lot of shopping for alternatives, but I'm pretty sure it's got a lot of "exclusive" functionality.