Kemper users: cable question (what do I need for recording & reamping?)


More cowbell!
Aug 24, 2011

I'm about to buy a KPA and I don't know if all the needed cables are included in the box. If not, what do I need to buy in order to record and reamp? I don't want to receive it and not be able to use it from day one :) Soundcard wise, I have a Digi003 rack+.

Also, do you use preamps to record/reamp as you'd do with real miked amps or do you plug the KPA directly into your recording device?

Thank you!
If your sound card has spdif ports I would buy two spdif cables and hook it up with those. That way you get the most out of your kpa.
The first thing you need is a interface - if your interface has s/pdif then you need to buy zwo spdif cables. Then of course you need a standard 1/4" to connect your guitar with the KPA. Thats pretty much all you need for recording and re-amping!
Thanks for your help guys. Kemper and spdif cables purchased :)

What about using a preamp for recording/reamping? I ask because the profiles are made directly from the amp to the KPA so if I want a specific "color" of a good mic pre, it seems logic to go through it when recording/reamping just like we do with real amps... How do you do really?
Most profiles are made with the amp miced up and then run back into the Kemper. There's a good number of DI profiles as well, in which case you can either borrow the cabinet from another profile in your Kemper or use an impulse response in your DAW. Either way, the mic preamp is unnecessary - guitar into the Kemper, SPDIF to your DAW, there's your finished track.

That said, if you like the tone it gives you, go nuts.
Depends on the profile. For example when making mine I use the preamps on my desk and then feed that out to the Kemper, but I guess some people are plugging a mic straight into the Kemper.