Kerrang! Bloodstock review (read it here)

slack mammoth said:

I'm the silly gimp who reviewed the fest for K!. Apologies to all the bands who didn't get a share of the wedge, but sadly the word count didn't allow it.

K! didn't deny it was good, because it WAS. As I said in my review. The way some people on this thread have been going on, you'd think that I spent the weekend pointing and laughing, then went home and slagged it down the toilet. The truth is that I went as a fan, had an awesome weekend and loudly sounded the Bloodstock trumpet in that review, as I did with my Wacken review.
I appreciate that a few of you see K! as the enemy and a corporate jizz-rag, but for every handjob article on Good Charlotte, there are people there like Dom Lawson, Alex Milas and myself trying their hardest to raise the metal tone of the magazine, which can only be a good thing. Why keep knocking it, eh?

See you next year \m/

Why don't yourself, Dom Lawson & Alex Milas create your own 'METAL' magazine then?
Surely we would, if the cash were available. Until then we'll have to stick to shoving Dream Evil et al into K!
Whoa there Bloodstockers!

I respect Nick's willingness to come on these boards and defend his opinion and his "metal pride" as well as Kerrang's reputation. That is "metal", not dressing up in armour, singing about dragons and/or slagging off the mainstream.

Although the review was a bit light on the unsigned acts on the Darwin stage (my only criticism, but then it would be) at least Bumsnogger got a mention (all they need, usually), and K! are surprisingly sterling in their support of underground metal acts. Nick, Dom and Steve Beebee are all brave enough to venture outside the comfortable confines of Sum 41/The Darkness/whatever's selling well that month and review gigs which might actually broaden their audience's tastes. And for that, they deserve more credit as journalists than is afforded to them by association with their magazine's desire to sell copies.

There can't be much arguing that K!'s review represents a serious climb in Bloodstock's profile and this will enable them to book bigger, more exciting acts in future. And that will mean that those underground acts who get on the bill will gain even more and better exposure. Neither can be a bad thing, surely?

If Nick did take Eagle's advice and set up on his own, all that would happen - initially at least - is that we'd have another "Terrorizer", a great mag but without the profile and circulation to really spread the word about festivals like B'Stock.

So full credit to you, Nick. Just make sure you use a long spoon, to coin a phrase.
slack mammoth said:
Surely we would, if the cash were available. Until then we'll have to stick to shoving Dream Evil et al into K!

BTW The Dream Evil gig was a blast but I thought Falconer was the best band on the night.

Also don't think my personal opinions on kerrang are aimed at you personally. I've had serious issues with kerrang since the early 90s and I don't think I've read a copy since 1994. For all I know kerrang could now be a Germanic Power Metal magazine! I some how doubt that though.

mawk said:
Whoa there Bloodstockers!

I respect Nick's willingness to come on these boards and defend his opinion and his "metal pride" as well as Kerrang's reputation. That is "metal", not dressing up in armour, singing about dragons and/or slagging off the mainstream.

Although the review was a bit light on the unsigned acts on the Darwin stage (my only criticism, but then it would be) at least Bumsnogger got a mention (all they need, usually), and K! are surprisingly sterling in their support of underground metal acts. Nick, Dom and Steve Beebee are all brave enough to venture outside the comfortable confines of Sum 41/The Darkness/whatever's selling well that month and review gigs which might actually broaden their audience's tastes. And for that, they deserve more credit as journalists than is afforded to them by association with their magazine's desire to sell copies.

There can't be much arguing that K!'s review represents a serious climb in Bloodstock's profile and this will enable them to book bigger, more exciting acts in future. And that will mean that those underground acts who get on the bill will gain even more and better exposure. Neither can be a bad thing, surely?

If Nick did take Eagle's advice and set up on his own, all that would happen - initially at least - is that we'd have another "Terrorizer", a great mag but without the profile and circulation to really spread the word about festivals like B'Stock.

So full credit to you, Nick. Just make sure you use a long spoon, to coin a phrase.

I think Kerrang is just a crafty marketing leach! It doesn't truely care about Bloodstock or Illuminatus or You or Me. It's only interest is to dictate an image that it thinks will sell.

And once sold it will be subject to ridicule.
slack mammoth said:
Surely we would, if the cash were available. Until then we'll have to stick to shoving Dream Evil et al into K!
Well assuming it was you that wrote the Dream Evil review, well done for putting the phrase "metal had a lot to offer before people started wearing backpacks and acting like cunts"[1] into the magazine :-) But like Eagle said, you failed to mention the fact that Falconer stole the show...

I too have had issues with K! since the early '90s, and only skim through it occasionally in the newsagent now. Can't remember the last time I bought it. But I'm glad to see it still has at least some writers that are actually interested in the music. I thought they'd given up on that long ago!

[1] Paraphrased from memory.
OK, for the last 4 years, I'v e been orking with kids part-time.

There are twotypes of modern korn-kiddie/nu-mettaler/mosher/whatever.

The first likes meal because it's 'cool'. The second likes Metal full stop, but doesn't know it yet through lack of exposure to 'real' metal.

I recomended Voivod to two youngsters who where inseperable. Shortly after they stopped hanging around together. Apparently one hadn't liked Vod, and refused to hang with the other who was listening to "rubish".

The other came back to me and asked for more recomendations, and also was worried about why his 'friend' would no longer talk to him...

Yes, the review exposes the Stock to the fasion metal crowd.

Yes, the review only covers 8 out of 18 bands.

Yes, Kerrang sold out years ago.

However, if that review turn even one young scamp onto real metal, then it's worth it.

If a crew of young miscreants descend on the Stock next year, and ENJOY it, I'll welcome them with open arms.

I recall breakfast on BS Saturday, two young lads at the next table where headded to the Stock while their parents hit town. They where about 14, knew which bands they wanted to see (Dragonforce and Nightwish IIRC), and where dressed in Iron Maiden t-shirts and baggy jeans.

It warms my black heart to know that there are still young 'uns joining our ranks...
Kerrang! got me into metal because of the metal Dom Lawson snuck onto all their freebie CD's, I respect Dom because he knows real metal when he hears it (such as giving Yattering an excelent review) and was once in 1 time Metalcore loons Matter but everyone else can go to hell, I read Terrorizer exclusively nowadays (more sample CD's with more great stuff)

1/4 of a page is pathetic, they've got enough writers to review everyone and only 1 unsigned band gets reviewed. Bastards.

Remember Buy your tickets early and get your friends to do the same, that way it takes away the oppertunities for trendies to turn up.