Kerrang! Bloodstock review (read it here)

i think kerrang have a right to review, true how shit it has become in recent years, but it used to be a metal magazine people liked... i never personally just used to listen to the music i liked, fuck the reviews :)hehe... but yeah the fact is any magazine has a right to review the stock. was a great festival and id be more insulted if they never reviewed it at all... still think they a bunch of wankalots tho:)... i agree with lee on the fact that any mayjor coverage is good coverage!
and as for kids turning up, big deal, vince aint gonna ever change the stock to some pop/rock crap, hes stayin with the metal so the kerrang kiddies can do what they want, i personally dont give a shit, we where all them once, just most of us like to forget that part of our lives where we truly had no mind of our own:) hehe kiddin, but its true that people used to look on me as a lil wannabe, what else u gonna get unless you where born and brought up into metal... my dads a pure christian and wouldnt lemme listen to this music when i was a kid, good thing he never found out that i went to AC/DC or alice cooper, hed kill me hehe:)
Black Lagoon said:
Hey calm down, just 'cause you weren't reviewed! ;)

Come on what you must realise is that it's a start that Kerrang! has even aknowledged its exsistance!

no .... most of the bands didnt get reviewed, i think it was a genuine piss take by Kerrang ... the UK metal scene is struggleing & double page spread this year would have done alot to help Bloodstock out next year.

i admit ive got a general hatred of kerrang ... ever since Pandoras boobs got smaller ;)

yes they at least knew it was happening ... but in typical (modern) kerrang style, they gave a wonderful double page to a bunch of mask wearing freaks ... but when it comes to a home grown Festival, they just cant be arsed!

+ im pissed off about spending £1.90 of my hard earned (lol ... im @ work now... so not that hard earned) money on it.

had my little rant now ... thank you
I was watching the football last night.

At the halftime interval on came an advertisement for Iron Maiden's Dance Of Death album featuring video footage of the shitty 'Wildest Dreams' single (weakest song on the album and don't be put off by it as there is some good songs on it). I thought nothing of this untill the commentary quoted something along the lines of 'KERRANG SAY IT'S COOL TO LISTEN TO IRON MAIDEN'
I think that the review won't attract much attention. We got the best of both worlds, it's a small article, which is a travesty but at least won't get the festival swarmed next year, but gave the bands a good review. But did anyone else notice that it said Saxon are from Sheffield when everyone knows they are from Barnsley? Typical Kerrang not doing it's homework. Crap crap crap.
Any review thats good is a bonus, especially from someone like Kerrang!! Unfortunately you have got something in common with Kerrang.......... both you and kerrang thought the festival was excellent!!! ( even Kerrang can t deny that!)
well, tis a conundrum, its kind of still there i think but its been re-branded as it were as a sports bar but wakey still has the jockey, ive never been but im told tis ok...
yep, if you want comedy in wakefield the alligator bar is where to go, its basically like a primary school apart from you can buy alchohol there.... the average age is about 15, and thats no exxageration... it doesnt even have a floor or anyhting, its just chipboard... its amusing yet simultaneously very depressing...
Joe5now said:
both you and kerrang thought the festival was excellent!!! ( even Kerrang can t deny that!)


I'm the silly gimp who reviewed the fest for K!. Apologies to all the bands who didn't get a share of the wedge, but sadly the word count didn't allow it.

K! didn't deny it was good, because it WAS. As I said in my review. The way some people on this thread have been going on, you'd think that I spent the weekend pointing and laughing, then went home and slagged it down the toilet. The truth is that I went as a fan, had an awesome weekend and loudly sounded the Bloodstock trumpet in that review, as I did with my Wacken review.
I appreciate that a few of you see K! as the enemy and a corporate jizz-rag, but for every handjob article on Good Charlotte, there are people there like Dom Lawson, Alex Milas and myself trying their hardest to raise the metal tone of the magazine, which can only be a good thing. Why keep knocking it, eh?

See you next year \m/