i think kerrang have a right to review, true how shit it has become in recent years, but it used to be a metal magazine people liked... i never personally just used to listen to the music i liked, fuck the reviews

hehe... but yeah the fact is any magazine has a right to review the stock. was a great festival and id be more insulted if they never reviewed it at all... still think they a bunch of wankalots tho

... i agree with lee on the fact that any mayjor coverage is good coverage!
and as for kids turning up, big deal, vince aint gonna ever change the stock to some pop/rock crap, hes stayin with the metal so the kerrang kiddies can do what they want, i personally dont give a shit, we where all them once, just most of us like to forget that part of our lives where we truly had no mind of our own

hehe kiddin, but its true that people used to look on me as a lil wannabe, what else u gonna get unless you where born and brought up into metal... my dads a pure christian and wouldnt lemme listen to this music when i was a kid, good thing he never found out that i went to AC/DC or alice cooper, hed kill me hehe