

edit: *hugs janne too tightly* he's turning purple :O
edit2: is it okay if cob has a purple keyboardist?
I understand being young and having fun, but tasting Fetzer? No thanks, unless of course, you taste like maple syrup. :lol: Just messin' with ya. ;)
I understand being young and having fun, but tasting Fetzer? No thanks, unless of course, you taste like maple syrup. :lol: Just messin' with ya. ;)

Shut up, your name is teh gheyz0rz...

ftw :zombie: :lol::



Racist much? Plus, don't try to make fun of something you'll never know or understand. And if you can't get a joke don't join it.
Racist much? Plus, don't try to make fun of something you'll never know or understand.

Yes, everyone here knows I'm the MOST racist person on the board :lol: And I do know, apparently it's a retarded nickname your senile grandmother gave you. Not too hard to comprehend... :erk:

P.S. Why do you ALWAYS edit EVERY one of your posts? :lol:
Ahahaa. For a guy who likes to point out liars, you really can't tell the difference between the truth and lies. Do you really think I'd tell everyone about myself when I'm acting? You obviously don't know how to act. I edit every post because I'm a perfectionist. So if I catch a mistake I never let go of the advangtage of being able to fix it.

Yes, poor kid, let's not take his attention. Would you like to continue elsewhere, sir?
Tsk, tsk, such a hypocrite. Complaining about being provoked one minute then pathetically attempting to provoke the next.
I love Hypocrisy... Great band :lol: And I'm not trying to provoke you, just commenting on yer name, and how stupid it is in my opinion. But then again, something so retarded suites you very well. It fits you perfectly in fact.

Would you like to continue elsewhere, sir?

Ftw? What are you talking about? :erk: :confused:

P.S. You edited your post above and STILL didn't correct your error (even after I pointed it out), so who's the hypocrite now Ms. Perfectionist? God you're brain-dead :lol:

heartless, stop turning all threads into ghey threads! :p

It's my magical power apparently, I must use it :lol: But to be fair, this thread wasn't 00ber important to begin with... Though I do love Kev. <3