Keyboard Solos


Devon killed Buddy
Sep 4, 2001
Dawlat elBa7rain
Seriously! Can anyone stand these fucking really artificial annoying keyboard solos?! Loads of good metal bands are getting affected by this!: Dream Theater, Children of Bodom, Ice Age, Symphony X etc.. What the fuck? Just to lenghthen their tracks time they dont need to add these solos. Solos were made for guitar, its tone, its pitch, its bends sound great. The keyboard solos really really sound bad, childlish, immature, artificial, pathetic and pointless! I think bands should limit their keyboard solos to 1 per album. Coz I only like 1 of every 10 key-solos I hear.

Some solos are annoying but listen to for example Evergrey, I can't find anything bad about their keyboard solos they fit perfect.
Originally posted by Sargoth
Some solos are annoying but listen to for example Evergrey, I can't find anything bad about their keyboard solos they fit perfect.

I agree that most keyboard solos suck but Evergrey does them rather tastefully as do most prog rock bands and Nightingale. Keyboard solos done well are also seen in Star One - Space Metal.
Exactly! Those Evergrey\Arcturus solos are really good, also Pain of Salvation hardly abuse keyboard solos. But Jordan Rudees, Ugh! The solos are really disguistingly annoying, its the main reason I can barely listen to Six Degrees of Intter Turbulence. I never had this problem with their earlier albums, especially Awake and Images and Words. I think those two albums are masterpeices and Kevin Moore definately deserves a lot of credit for that. That guys a musical-genius! What do you think of his solo career?
I tend to like them, but only if they have some interesting melody in them. A lot are kind of empty.

And I don't think I've ever heard a key solo in a Pain of Salvation song. If there's ever been one, tell me because I completely missed it.
Originally posted by Prophetix
Seriously! Can anyone stand these fucking really artificial annoying keyboard solos?! Loads of good metal bands are getting affected by this!: Dream Theater, Children of Bodom, Ice Age, Symphony X etc.. What the fuck? Just to lenghthen their tracks time they dont need to add these solos. Solos were made for guitar, its tone, its pitch, its bends sound great. The keyboard solos really really sound bad, childlish, immature, artificial, pathetic and pointless! I think bands should limit their keyboard solos to 1 per album. Coz I only like 1 of every 10 key-solos I hear.


You're totally right, keyboards are ok if they are in the background I guess, but solos? Jeez. There is one Amorphis song (can't remember the name) where the keyboard guy is tooling around doing a solo (pretty lame) and then it's like he hits the pitch bender and it just goes COMPLETELY out of tune with the song.

Keytars are OK though (joke)
I read an interview with Mikael and he said that Opeth didn't like them because they were "gay"
Whilst I don't approve of the way he chose to phrase it, I don't think we need ever worry about Opeth doing it.
I don't see the keyboard even as a potential solo instrument.

They can be used for a nice addition to the general atmosphere and mood of the song, but solos? Hell, no!

@Stondis: Yeah, keytar solos are OK (heck, preferrable even!) if the keytarist wears a spangled wig and plastic shades worth three pounds, and acts like a tit. ;)
Originally posted by Orchid
@Stondis: Yeah, keytar solos are OK (heck, preferrable even!) if the keytarist wears a spangled wig and plastic shades worth three pounds, and acts like a tit. ;)

@Orchid: What? Ya mean like this? I didn't even know there was a band called Keytar...

[note the spare "keytar" leaning against the wall in case this dude rocks out too much and breaks a key or something]
Originally posted by random_phil

I like keyboard solos, but then I'm a keyboard player, so you can all crucify me now, if you want.

Don't worry mate, there are worse things, I've been known to "knock off" a slap bass solo or two in my time:yuk:
A guy gets stranded on a desert island, and all he can here is drums. He tries to find where the drums are coming from, but finds nothing. After 2 days of walking, he finds some natives of the islands.

"What's with all the drums? They're really pissing me off!" he asks one of them

"We pray every hour that the drums do not stop." comes the reply

"Why?" asks the man. "What happens if the drums stop?"

The native looks worried, and says:

"Bass solo!"
You know what keyboard solos do rule? Tony Banks' key solos on old Genesis tunes like 'Cinema Show' and 'In The Cage.'

I'm surprised nobody has mentioned the awfulness of Scholomance key solos yet...
You people are idiots, solos are not for keyboard? How old you think the guitar is as an instrument? 200 years? and its not that much. Just how many years you think the piano has been around? This is classical metalfanboy know-it-all attitude i suggest that if you take 1/1000 of the keyboard solo's ever made to say keyboard solos suck and that is not a solo instrument, you will never be able to be taken seriously in any music debate again for the rest of your patetic metalsheep stupid depressing pointless empty and miserable life.

You guys think that just because some glam idiots do keyboard solos you know what piano is, some idiot ( gee, a finnish rockstar imbecile, who would have guessed ) say is not a solo instrument, so i guess everyone who ever liked jazz should jump out of the window right now, we should go spit in Monks and Evan's graves cause "keyboards arent solo instrument". This was good, a close mindedness test.
Symphony X's keyboard solos on their cd V almost completely ruin the cd. Sounds like a casio keyboard one would purchase from Wal-Marts.

However, Jordan Rudess' keyboard solos on DT's latest two cds are simply amazing.

Ice Age is a very good band too, and I never had any problem with their keyboard solos either.

But Symphony X....Ah!