Keyboarists/ Pianoists

to bands that use them, yes. to bands that don't use them, bands that are thinking about using them or discontinuing the use of them, yes...but in a different way.
Agreed. When you hear a song with keys in them, You feel that it adds to the atmosphere. With out those keys, The song sounds kind of one sided.
I hate crappy keyboard passages like most gothic or symphonic black metal bands use and it's what put me off keyboards overall, especially that I'm a guitar player... However lately bands like Riverside, Camel or Opeth changed my mind - I especially adore vintage keyboard sounds, like Rhodes (ahhhh...), Hammonds, Reeds or even Moogs... Maybe I'll switch to keyboards then? :)
I find their use in tr00 metal bands to be embarasing. Usually simple loops hiding underdeveloped guitar work.

I like them in Arcturus, Vintersorg, etc,
and Opeth, and Agalloch to a lesser extent.

piano solo! :kickass:
if you are children of bodom, you should actually GET RID OF your keyboardist. or like that german goth band...empyrium...they got rid of their keyboardist after their second album and produced two great records in his absence.

metal keyboards = cheesy (most of the time)
I think keyboards can add great atmosphere and I used to play the piano so I guess I'd say I enjoy the use of the piano as well.
Like everyone has already said keyboards can really add to the songs of the bands that use them correctly. Dream Theater, Opeth, Everygrey, Rush, Deep Purple use keyboards quite well.
Dream Theater has some of the more theatrical and cheesy use of the keys to me. I'm not really a fan of keys as the leading instrument in general.
Depends on the band. Synth can add a lot of colour to a song, or it can just sound cheesy and shit. In Opeth's case, it works very well, because it doesn't sound as though it's trying to dominate the songs; it adds an extra dimension if you like.