Keys/Bassist/Vocalist Wanted

Rhapsody's voice acting is sheer genius... it would take some insecure prejudiced prick too preoccupied with being uB3r-1333337 xTrM to dA m4xxx0r DM/BM to appreciate the holy goodness of the mighty Rhapsody to disagree :D:D
TheDeadlyNaroth said:
Rhapsody's voice acting is sheer genius... it would take some insecure prejudiced prick too preoccupied with being uB3r-1333337 xTrM to dA m4xxx0r DM/BM to appreciate the holy goodness of the mighty Rhapsody to disagree :D:D
it would take a dungeons and dragon loving mountain dew drinking fat mother fucker to like that shit. although, that probably prequalifies you.
Elysian893 said:
nope, this is one of those times when you're wrong and i'm right. voice acting gayifies even the best of bands.
Nope, I'm arguing you. If I'm arguing you that implies that I'm right and you are wrong, period. :Spin:
And what do you mean by voice acting? lol
TheDeadlyNaroth said:
Rhapsody's voice acting is sheer genius... it would take some insecure prejudiced prick too preoccupied with being uB3r-1333337 xTrM to dA m4xxx0r DM/BM to appreciate the holy goodness of the mighty Rhapsody to disagree :D:D
I don't agree with him, but fanboishness is wrong
no, saying "seriously dude" is insanely homo. Being German is insanely homo. Hangin out in Compton Street is insanely homo. Being in CoB is insanely homo... Rhapsody are exceptionally talented and a brilliant, and i'd LOVE to see them kick the shit out of any of you