Khold - Krek

dill_the_devil Music Editor
Khold - Krek
Candlelight Records - CDK136 - 2005
By Philip Whitehouse


Krek is Khold's fourth album in five years, and much like the songs that these Norwegian mid-tempo black metallers churn out, it seems that they've found a groove and intend to stick determinedly to it. Armed with all-Norwegian lyrics, a commendably gnarly bass tone (which complements the wandering basslines nicely), and approximately two riffs per song, Khold proceed to slowly but surely numb the brain with straight-forward grim riffage and an absolute lack of diversity.

I reviewed Phantom, Khold's second album, back in 2002 for this site. I loved it at the time I was listening to it - gave it an 8/10, in fact (although those were more lenient times in UM-ratings-land) - but I rarely listen to it now. Mainly because, after the first three songs or so, you've heard everything that the album has to offer. The same is true here, although admittedly, the main riff to third track 'Innestengt I Eikekiste' is pretty memorable. However, on reflection, I think I can now safely say that if you own one Khold album, you don't really need another. If you don't own a Khold album, and you're really into mid-paced, grim black metal (possibly in the latter-day Satyricon or Darkthrone vein), then pick this one up. The bass tone's really good, and there's even a brief blastbeat section on 'Lysets Flukt' to wake you up after the halfway point.


UM's Review Rating Scale

Official Khold Website
Official Candlelight Records Website
"gave it an 8/10, in fact (although those were more lenient times in UM-ratings-land)"

:lol: I want to go to UM-ratings-land! I think I like this better than you do, but I agree about its staying power. Even though I gave it a pretty good score for another zine, I haven't revisited it that often. Ah well.
I found this most enjoyable. More to it than first meets the eye...the bass work is surprisingly adept and noticeable. It got under my skin pretty good.