Kick Dimmu of Hypo US TOUR!!

Yea I want to go see nevermore real bad in november. But Im not 100% sure. Dimmu Boregu is fucking headline. Cob,Hypocrisy, and nevermore are all cool. But fucking dimmu sucks takenbackthemusics millimeter peter. I emailed Nevermore yesterday and gave them my 2 cents on their shitty touring buddy. But I know its not their fault. Basically I just told them dimmu sucks, they rock. The End
Actually I think this is a great tour- I love Dimmu, Hypocrisy, and Nevermore- and they all play something different. So you dont like one of the bands- damn you guys are a little closed minded, at least hear a few songs from them live- before you pass judgment- they are still a talented band.
Dodens Grav said:
Dimmu Borgir are just another great band in a great tour lineup.

Fucking Amen! That band is amazing. I mean yeah I'm a much bigger Bodom fan and would like to see them play for a long ass time but Dimmu is a great headliner. Dont be a whiney bitch cause your favorite band is 3rd in the lineup and not 1st.
Dimmu is NOT a great headliner, think what you will of their albums, but they are an AWFUL live band.

They were boring as hellllll when I saw them anyways.
I've never seen Dimmu Borgir live so I really can't speak as far as that goes, but if they sound as good as they do on their albums, I think it'd be worth seeing them. As much as I enjoy Nevermore, I actually think I prefer Dimmu overall...
I'm happy Dimmu is headlining. I love all of the bands and would have been just as happy if Hypocrisy or Nevermore were headlining. Great tour and something that doesn't get to the States very often. We should welcome stuff like this instead of trying to kick bands off of it. Fuck your petition!
From the official site;

"01/06/03 - New tour announcement
We sincerly apologize for the cancellation of the X-mas fest. The reason being Dimmu Borgir have offered us to tour with them worldwide. This means we'll be touring Europe from 30th sept till 29oct and the US from 7th nov till 14th dec. We hope to see you out there this fall or this winter! Tourdates will be posted as soon as they are confirmed"
Yeah, stop complaining. Nevermore's crap, whereas Dimmu Borgir rocks. Like the other guy said, just leave before they start playing! And start focusing on the positive aspects of this gig, not the negative ones.
Help us get Dimmu of this tour!
Why? They get tons of people to the gigs and expose Nevermore and Hypocrisy to a larger audience. But I guess that increased popularity for either bands threatens your "elite" status. Idiot.
This is a petition to Nuclear Blast Germany that we want Dimmu Borgir of the Hypocrisy tour coming this Fall/ Winter. They are an annoying band, and an Embarrassment to all metal real heads. I don’t want to see Hypocrisy have a short set list so these idiots can play there watered down pussy metal. Help all the Hypocrisy fans around by signing this petition and hopefully we will be able to get Nuclear Blast to come to there senses!
Watered down pussy metal eh? Sure, they`re not black metal, but pussy they are not. Dimmu Borgir is heavier than any nu-metal or 80`s trash. People just have beef with them because they`re popular among teens and stuff like that (not to mention their stupid image). I think you ought to know that the only embarassment to "metal real heads" here is you and your close-knit circle of evnuch elitist friends. Fuck off, asshole.
henrikmain said:
Yeah, stop complaining. Nevermore's crap, whereas Dimmu Borgir rocks. Like the other guy said, just leave before they start playing! And start focusing on the positive aspects of this gig, not the negative ones.

I have always wanted to say this to someone here, nothing personal, BUT SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU FUCKIN McTARD! PEOPLE SUCK. Yeah, I 'm funny, they are funny, everybody's funny, now you funny too.

NEVERMORE :headbang: