Kick Midi Trigger Problem


Dec 11, 2009

we are trying to record drums these days with our band and it so happens that we have a very sincere problem with Cubase 3 SX.

Cubase doesn´t take the signal as it is supposed to be. let´s say you have a beat with 8 kicks per beat. what it does is layering all of those kicks on the first signal for no reason. it also cuts off the signal or fastens it up. it´s nuts.

veeeery strange. Does anybody have an idea? help would be very appreciated.

Cubase SX3
Presonus Firepod FP10 Interface
Alesis DM5 Drummodul

we think that it might be some kind of programming error in cubase itself. is there an option we could´ve overlooked that forces signals to only be recorded at certain beats or something?

anybody who helps us will be receiving a free demo/promo:)
Sounds like Cubase quantizes the notes. But your settings are like quantize to 1/4 notes while you drum 16th notes. So it put's everything on the 4ths instead of the 16ths. Something like that is the case, I think...
ok, check this out. It´s a mixdown of the problem. As you can hear it layers the kicks together in the beginning which makes it louder. then it even records the signals but when playing it you can´t hear all of them haha. fuck.
I'm not sure why you're running into this, but I would personally prefer to plug the 1/4" cable directly from the triggers into your interface and into an audio channel in Cubase. Then use the audio signal to trigger a software sampler. Such as Drumagog, ApTrigga, etc.

Edit: If you still desire MIDI, you could ask someone on here if they would be willing to convert the audio signal into MIDI for you with Drum Tracker, or something similar.