Kick sample for Live use???


Jan 11, 2009
Brisbane, Australia
Im about to start work with a band who also use alot of audio samples live so they have some sort of trigger pad. The drummer also uses a sub drop and kick samples but he has asked if I can give him a hand getting better kick samples and a sub drop(sub drop is easy and I can deal with)

so I'm asking what kick samples do users here use live?

also I havent read the full user agreement for either but are buyers able to use Slate,Sturgis,Lasse Lamert samples for live use? and what do you guys who may already be using them live think about them?

I guess I need to ask the guy is he going to want to use his trigger for just more of the clickier high end and use a mic to provide the rest of the sound being blended by the engineer or does he want the trigger to be the only kick sound he uses live.

Thanks guys.
