Kick sound


Aug 4, 2009
Ireland - Denmark

I was wondering what kind of comps and ballpark settings people here like on the kick ?

Most of the time if im using kick 10 I use the SSL comp and maybe a 1176.. then I high pass at 30-40 and and suck out 200 hz.

Also experimenting with maxbass.. anyone else using that and how do you usualy set it up ?

Hopeing to get some inspiration from you guys :).

I was wondering what kind of comps and ballpark settings people here like on the kick ?

Most of the time if im using kick 10 I use the SSL comp and maybe a 1176.. then I high pass at 30-40 and and suck out 200 hz.

Also experimenting with maxbass.. anyone else using that and how do you usualy set it up ?

Hopeing to get some inspiration from you guys :).

I made a tutorial way back, the sound sample links aren't all working, but here is the link:

at that time I didn't know about Transient Designer, it makes shit cut thru like butter. The before and after clip is here (self recorded raw samples -> EQ -> Waves RVox -> Waves L1 limiter):