Kill For God...


Sep 25, 2003
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On the song kill for god, the drums double bass is playing at about 2:10, are you using digi drums for that part, or does your drummer have a quad bassdrum set, where one set is padded?
You mean a double bass petal. Andy S. uses an Iron Cobra double bass petal.. he is quite fast with it, and very dynamic.

We tell him to get two kick drums, but I dont really see the point other that making it eaizer for him to jump on bandline drums on tour/a drum set for the rest of the bands to use.

Darkane also uses a double bass petal. Andy also said he wanted to try AXIS.. but wants to get a hook up on the petal first.
Hmmp, try to explain this down a bit more...

Around 2:10 in the song Kill For God, the drummer is using his doublebass pedal, but instead of the percussion resonating like it usually would, it halts and has no resonation (example for guitarist: Palm Mute). I was wondering how your drummer was having the BassDrum muted while the rest of the song the Bass drum was resonating.

Cheers mate.
dude JOHN wre partying but i got bear bear bvear beart up my nise us BRIOE my nose is broke b, blood all over!
Yeah it was, fucking Swedes need to RELAX and not take everything so seriously! They can't handle the Danish party habits. I'm still ok I guess, a bit hard trying to type here cause my thumb is almost crushed from that night.
Denmark developed a reputation for violence as the Vikings ravaged regions of central and southern Europe.So ironically, the country with one of the least controversial images in Europe today was originally a hell-raising land that, along with such other Viking areas as Norway and Sweden, was associated with terror for the rest of Europe. Lustfully pagan and undeterred by the belief that Christian churches and monasteries were sanctified, they exacted rich plunder from whatever monastery or convent they happened to judge as weak enough to be attractive.

Their longboats were especially feared: Measuring about 18m (60 ft.) from the dragon-shaped prow to stern, longboats were powered by 30 oars and a sail. They were still light enough, however, that their crews could drag them across land, thereby "hopping" from rivers to lakes, across sandbars, and across isthmuses that would otherwise have been unnavigable. It's no small wonder that the Danes would eventually become proficient as both mariners and traders.

Through rape and intermarriage, the Vikings mingled bloodlines with future English, French, Germans, and Russians. Despite the mayhem they unleashed on conquered lands, Vikings brought with them regimented rituals; for example, unlike most European peoples at the time, they bathed every Sunday, regardless of temperature or weather.

The most distinct threat to Danish territoriality came from Charlemagne, whose Frankish empire covered what is today France and Germany. If Charlemagne hadn't focused most of his territorial ambitions on richer, more fertile lands within central Europe and Spain, it's likely that what's known today as Denmark would have become a vassal state of the Franks. As it was, the Franks only took a slight imperial interest in Jutland. In fact, Godfred, the first recorded Danish king, died in 810 after spending most of his reign battling the Franks.

Godfred's successor, Hemming, signed a treaty with the Franks marking the Eider River, an east-west stream that flanks southern Jutland, as the southern boundary of his sovereignty. That boundary functioned more or less as the Danish border until 1864.

Two famous kings emerged from Denmark during the 10th century, Gorm the Old (883-940), and his son, Harald Bluetooth (940-85). Their reigns resulted in the unification of Denmark with power centralized at Jelling in Jutland. Harald, through the hard work of a core of Christian missionaries trained in Frankish territories to the south (especially in Hamburg), also introduced Christianity, which eventually became the country's predominant religion. As part of his attempt to obliterate Denmark's pagan past, he transformed his father's tomb, which honored a roster of pagan gods and spirits, into a site of Christian worship.

Harald eventually extended Danish influence as far as neighboring Norway. The links he established between Denmark and Norway weren't severed, at least politically, until the 1800s. Harald's son, Sweyn I, succeeded in conquering England in 1013, more than 50 years before the Norman invasion in 1066. The Normans, ironically, were also of Danish origin, through invasions several centuries before.

Under Sweyn's son, Canute II (994-1035), England, Denmark, and part of Sweden came under the rule of one crown. After Canute's death, however, the Danish kingdom was reduced to only Denmark. Canute's nephew, Sweyn II, ruled the Danish kingdom, and upon his death his five sons governed Denmark successfully. In 1104, the foundation was laid for a Danish national church that was distinct from the ecclesiastical administration in Hamburg.
It is actually spelled Swein but is pronounced like modern day (SVEN). King Swein was ruthless, but an incredible ruler, he actually took over the throne and through out the English King of Britian with force, and his son Cnut ruled there after Swein. They established Danegeld (a land tax) King Swein was King of Norway, Denmark, and England-In England before the Norman invasions.

The Danes led a huge amount of Invasions and do not get as much credit for their rule and destruction as Norwegians and Swedes do.
Poooh that was a lot of info there John, I'm flattered! Amazing what a bunch of motherfuckers we used to be, and still are! Yeah meshell I'll try to use my fists next time, ahah yesterday in Jutland me and a friend was drinking and out of nowhere this skipper old man was telling us about his fist experiences on the deck haha those were rough times..
Hahah and the funniest of all was when me and my friend continued to the Viking burial ground (this was in Lindholm) and the skipper went to take a piss. I guess it was hard wind or something cause there was like piss all over his pants :lol: