Vehemence New Song For Download-kill For God (demo)

Fucking badass song.

BTW, just wondering if you remember a guy named Joe from the Bay Area. i guess he talked to you guys about making a video. he's one of my roommates.
So far alot of people has heard this download. From other message boards and what not..

search Vehemence, and search for posts using ulitmatemetals search feature and you can see how many entireis Vehemence has through the entire UM board. if your bored.
Make a homevideo! Like Type O or Pantera did, that was some whack shit hahaha. Like, get 50 bucks for eating a cake in less than 20 minutes...
Now, that would just fucking rule! I'm preparing all the Italian food, beer and all. No seriously, ok im drunk but TRYING to be serious here, that i wouild love having ya come here, both of you are coming?
OK wgoi knows man sweee<r youll visit me you two johsn and wjfe its A MOTHERFUCKING THRIP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 me and my doomies BOOZE naah sayijg????????? ex cew excepot my motrherfucking BIRTH YEAH! WINE soing woman birth this deflowered mother earth planting plowing how she grieves the seeds rh that grow thrse dying treewes
yo drunk tomite agtai yo rule lov uopui ur judt kik like mu foredigj faraoe nothrf edperm hr sadi evrything gonna be go ok man u ruile mexxicn music fuckinw pit dpg juge huge vjai mrpo rpimd ur mweck mefd EWNEMY tr tatttooed j om yr meck