killed an SM57- what to do?


now with extra avatar!
Sep 1, 2006
Melbourne, Australia
So in a session i did over the weekend, the drummer managed to kill a 57 that i had on a tom. Considering how much it'd go for on ebay, i decided to count my losses and pull her apart.

Now ive got the 3 main pieces, the diaphram and various nuts, bolts & washers. Im wondering if i can make some sort of SM57 hybrid, some freaky SM57 based...thing. im not sure which part of the mic doesnt work, but i know the output pins work :)i have a feeling its the little plastic part of the diaphram thats buggered- thats the gold part in the top right of the photo. This is the part that seems to be amazingly rugged. theres more to pull apart, but theres no way im getting into that chunk without a hacksaw or drill!

Anyway, what can i do with the rest of it?!

Come on, take a pic of the cap for me please! every one i've talked to says the sm57 design has never been changed, but i have two legit mics with 2 different cap designs. i emailed Shure to no reply, so help me out and contribute to the growing myth!